Corporate Social Review Magazine 3rd & 4th QUARTER 2012 | Page 10

must actively seek out opportunities for cooperation, we must stop seeing our world as competitive and start seeking out collaboration.” “Just look at Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Two of the richest and most successful men in the world choose to combine their philanthropic efforts in service of a focused approach that delivers the maximum value for the money they are spending. Appropriately directed ego is the fuel that brings about results. Ego in service of ego is self-limiting and ultimately self-defeating.” Marc goes onto describe a possible solution based upon the creation of a single overarching authority, given the mandate and the authority to enforce cooperation and ensure delivery. At first glance it sounds like yet more administration and another layer of bureaucracy. Indeed, it could end up being a bloated 'department of homeland security' – often perceived as being more in service of its own survival than the stated mission. Marc has already initiated discussions with the heads of government, some of the big corporate donors and with the national lottery fund. He's aware of our current failure and is determined to do something about it. But one thing is clear - we cannot, or at least we should not, continue to do what we are doing right now. One of the definitions of madness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. So perhaps what is needed is a focused, driven and determined partnership between government, funders and corporate South Africa; all in service of need. “Let's stop looking at causes and individual needs and start looking at the geography of need. Give the right people the responsibly and the authority to affect real change and they will change the world. Give them a big enough lever (and a place to stand) and they can MOVE the world. For instance, take a look at somewhere like Alex, or Gugulethu, or Umlazi and do a holistic needs analysis. Let's ask ourselves what we would like it to look like in five years' time – when we've addressed the needs – and then work back from that vision of a better future.” Give a busy man a job and then get out of his way so that he can do it. “If we can work together in a coordinated and a united way then we can actually achieve what we each individually want to achieve. But we've got to get out of our own way long enough to let the need determine the agenda and let the people who are best able to address each individual need do what they do best.” 8 COR PORATE SOCIAL REVIEW