on Questions...
By Paul Rowlson
Editor's Note:
Only two issues in and it seems we've already hit a
In this issue of CSR we feature a provocative and thought
provoking interview with Marc Lubner, Chairman of the
Smile Foundation and CEO of Africa Tikkun.
For this month's Talking Points we picked up on an
issue that Marc Lubner raised regarding the
effectiveness of the entire Social sector. We
assumed that this would be extremely interesting
area of discussion and stimulate very constructive
debate and so we put out a series of questions.
Marc climbed onto his soap box and didn't climb down until
he'd got us all thinking and, indeed, challenging our own
preconceptions about just what is wrong with CSR
programmes here in South Africa.
We were then entirely surprised by the lack of
response. But even more than a lack of response, we
received active push-back – people expressing
unwillingness to even enter into the debate. It seems
that, perhaps, this systemic failure is a 'dirty secret'
that no-one wants to talk about.
We were pointing no fingers, making no accusations,
apportioning no blame; indeed, as is our purpose and
vision, we were actively attempting to make a
positive difference. And yet, an astonishing number
of people refused to comment at all and one of the
two people actually willing to enter into this debate
with us did so on the condition that we protect their
identity and allow them to comment anonymously
without any attribution.
Here at CSR we're still trying to process this and we
hope that YOU might have something to say.
So, here are 'the questions that caused all the
trouble' and the answers we received. Maybe you
have an opinion? Maybe you think there's something
we've missed or an opinion that will contribute
constructively to what we believe is an important
debate. If you do we'd love to hear from you. And
while you're at it maybe you can help explain why this
is such a hot button issue? Have we found the 'third
rail' of social responsibility already? If we have we'll
be frankly astonished - after all, we weren't even
Here are the bare facts, the numbers at the heart of Marc's
There are over 90 000 registered NGO's in South
Corporate Social Responsibility spending
exceeds 7 Billion Rand per annum
Government Social spending exceeds 20 Billion
Rand per annum
In total – not counting international donations and
donor spend – over 27 BILLION Rand is spent in
the social sector in SA every year
The Social sector employs more people than the
manufacturing sector in South Africa
In his interview Marc points out that – despite all these
resources – most of the indicators relating to social issues
are down. Education, housing, health, employment – in
most of the areas that count we don't seem to be making any
real headway in terms of addressing South Africa's very real
In this issue Marc details his thinking and offers his
suggested solution. But here's the questions we thought
were worth asking:
With over 27 Billion Rand being spent in the Social
sector can we really say that money is the problem?
And, if not, why is so much money being spent without
more obvious effect?
Thierry Alban Revert,
Planet Agroecology Concepts - Director (TR):
It is obvious to us that there is an enormous amount taken by
CSR middlemen and CSR fund managers. Our experience
as an effective and pragmatic, transparent and accountable
NGO is that they will not give us a cent, as we would publish
the horrific percentages that these CSR fund managers are
high-jacking from the original funds. The other factor is that