TRANSITION AUTHORITY 9. Make recommendations for the effective management of assets of the national and county governments and provide mechanism s for the transfer of assets which may include vetting the transfer of assets during the transition period; Carry out an audit of the existing human resource of the Government and local authorities; Extelcom House, P.O. Box 10736-00100, Nairobi Tel: +254-0710287080 E-mail: [email protected] ? TA is coordinating preparation of asset and liabilities policy which is being done under a World Bank Funded programme implemented by the Ministry of Devolution and Planning. ? A technical committee on assets and liabilities comprising of TA, CIC, CRA, Attorney General’s Office, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, National Land Commission, Ethics and Anti - Corruption Commission, National Treasury, Ministry of Devolution and Planning, Public Procurement Oversight Authority and two Non - State Actors has been put in place with the mandate of advising the Authority on the management of public assets and liabilities during the transition period. ? Human resource data received from MDA’s, ? The HR information shared with all the county governments. Remarks/Next steps ? Audit to be done in the 2013/2014 financial year if funds are available. 10. 11. Assess the capacity needs of national and county governments ? Quick Readiness Assessment was done for county governments and a report has been prepared Remarks/Next steps ? Address the capacity gaps identified in the counties ? Support counties to conduct detailed capacity assessment 12. Recommend the necessary measures req uired to ensure that the national and county governments have adequate capacity during the transition period to enable them undertake their assigned functions; Co-ordinate and facilitate the provision of support and assistance to national and coun ty governments in building their capacity to govern and provide services effectively; ? A national capacity building framework has been developed to provide general guidance for capacity building of national and county government. Remarks/Next steps ? Subject the framework to stakeholder consultation ? Mobilize resource and implement the framework. In coordination and partnership with relevant Ministries and Institutions, TA has been able to undertake the following activities to enhance County Governments capacities: Support to county assemblies In collaboration with Parliament and Centre for Parliamentary Studies and other partners; ? Prepared Interim standing orders, ? Procured Relevant statutes and assembly paraphernalia e.g. maces and gowns, ? Prepared and disseminated Speakers rules and guidelines for election of speakers, ? Facilitated the swearing in of the members and election of speakers . ? Inducted members, speakers, deputy speakers and interim clerks on their roles and responsibilities. County executive ? Prepared Assumption of Office Guidelines and a committee was put in place to facilitate the inauguration and induction of governors at the county level, ? Governors and their deputies were successfully sworn in, ? Developed guide books for governors, ? Inducted governors, deputy governors and interim county secretaries i n collaboration with the Kenya School of Government, Vision 2030 secretariat and other stakeholders . The induction provided insights on their role and responsibilities and that of Ministries, Commissions and Independent Offices. Human resource ? Approximately 600 senior officers were competitively identified, inducted and deployed to the county governments. ? Human resource managers and payroll managers were deployed to support the establishment of county human resource management portfolio and payroll. ? The Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) system has been installed in all counties i n collaboration with former Ministry of State for Public Service and now Ministry of Devolution and Plannin g. Staff have been trained and continuous backstopping support is being provided. The system is currently working in all the counties, and data entry and cleansing is ongoing. Public Finance Management(PFM) In collaboration with the National Treasury; ? Four Interim staff per county have been identified and posted to each of the counties. They comprise of a Chief Finance Officer, Head of Treasury, Budget Officers, and Supply Chain managers, ? Officers were trained on Public Finance Management (PFM) as per Public Finance Management Act and relevant regulations, the Integrated Finance Management Information System (IFMIS) and the budgeting process. ? IFMIS was installed in all the counties. However, unstable connectivity, inadequate staff and limited staff capacity has posed a challenge, ? Guidelines on account opening and budget preparation were provided, ? The National Treasury provided additional backstopping to all counties during the budget preparation for FY 2013/2014. County Planning ? The various devolution laws provide that planning be utilized as the basis for budgeting and expenditure. The counties are expected to develop County Integrated Development Plans, Spatial Plans and Sectoral plans. ? TA in collaboration Ministry of Planning and National Development and Vision 2030, now Ministry of Devolution and Planning, prepared guidelines on development of County Integrated Development Plans and shared with county governments. Infrastructure ? Identified interim offices for county governments, ? Mobilized and disbursed funds to all counties for refurbishment and construction of offices. Laws and regulations ? Ensured that necessary laws and regulations were in place to facilitate devolution. These include regulations on assets and liabilities and the County Public Finance Management Transition Act 2013, ? Reviewed existing devolution laws and draft regulations and recommended areas for amendment to relevant ministries. Co-ordination of transition within the counties ? 47 TA transition coordinators have been recruited and posted to the cou ?F?W2?F?R6??&F??F?'2v???66????6?V?F?W2?B&?f?FR???v?F??F?W"7F?V???FW'2v?F???F?R6?V?F?W2?&V?&?2?B?W?B7FW2?+r66?G?'V??F??r?2&?6W72?Dv???6??F??VRF?f6??FFR?B6??&F??FR66?G?'V??F??r?bF?R?F?????B6?V?G?v?fW&??V?G2??B?2??7G'V7F?fRF???FRF?B?F????v?fW&??V?B?26??7F?GWF??????FFRF?'V??BF?R66?F?W2?bF?R6?V?F?W2?BDgV?7F???2?2F?f6??FFR?B6??&F??FRF?W6RGW&??rF?RG&?6?F???W&??B??0??D?R4?%?$DR??DT??tT?4Re$?4d?"UD??$?DD?dR?BU?DT?4?dR%U4??U52??4?t?E0?wwr?6?'?&FV??FV??vV?6Vg&?6??W@??p??