TRANSITION AUTHORITY 14. Advise on the effective and efficient rationalization and deployment of the human resource to either level of government Facilitate civic education and ensure civic education on devolution is commenced and coordinated. Remarks/Next steps ? The framework to be subjected to public participation and critical stakeholder review Extelcom House, P.O. Box 10736-00100, Nairobi Tel: +254-0710287080 E-mail: [email protected] ? TA is coordinating the development of a framework for human resource rationalization and deployment which is in draft form . 15. ? Civic education materials were developed and disseminated. ? A curriculum for the public officer’s sensitization programme on devolution was developed. A sensitization workshop spearheaded by the former Ministry of State for Public Service, now Ministry of Devolution and Planning, was held in 14 counties. ? Public fora were held in all counties to sensitize them on transition and devolution issues. ? Infomercials run for two weeks in the radio and television stations to sensitize the public on devolution and the role of TA. Rules of engagement signed with some Civil Society Organiza tions. This has provided improved channel of communication. ? Through participation in fora organized by private sector organizations, faith based organizations, Government Institutions a nd profession bodies, the Authority was able to reach out to many Keny a’s educating them on transitional and devolution issues. Remarks/Next steps ? More materials to be developed on topical devolution issues. ? Civic education for public officers and the general public to continue using various medi a ? Support counties to establish and strength public participation platforms as provided by various devolution legislations. 15. The Authority shall issue guidelines on Transition Implementation Plans (TIPS) to state organs ? In collaboration with CIC, the guidelines were developed an d shared with MDA’s. ? Some MDA’s submitted the ir plans which are being reviewed. Remarks and Next Steps ? Continue to receive and review the TIPS from the MDAs and Counties. ? Monitor the implementation of the TIPs Key challenges and emerging issues 1. Time constraints: The Authority has had an extremely short timeframe within which it was expected to deliver on its numerous functions especially during phase one of the transition period which was about 8 months. 2. Resource constraints: The Authority does not have adequate resources to undertake some of the activities programmed especially audit of the assets, liabilities and human resources that requires contracting of key professionals such as surveyors, auditors, engineers and lawyers. For the financial period 2013/2014 TA's proposed budget was Kshs. 11,965 Billion. The TA was however only allocated Kshs. 555 million. This is hardly enough for personnel emoluments and other administrative cost given that TA has about 600 interim staff in the counties before the county government recruit their own. This, therefore, leaves us with no budgetary allocation for the implementation of our statutory mandate. If the situation is not reviewed during supplementary budget, it will seriously undermine transition process. 3. High expectation: The perceived benefits of the devolved governments have resulted in exceedingly high and in some instances, unrealistic expectations from politicians, technocrats, County Governments and the general public on what can be quickly delivered during the early stages of the transition period. Managing these expectations has been an extremely big challenge. 4. Political pressure for non-staggered transfer of functions to the counties: In response to the clamor for immediate transfer of the functions, the National and County Governments Coordinating Summit decided to transfer all the functions despite the constitutional and legal provisions that functions should be transferred to county governments in a phased and asymmetrical manner that ensures that there is the necessary capacity to perform a function once transferred. With limited capacities in the counties, it is expected that this will be an extremely huge and challenging. Therefore of paramount importance is an urgent and concerted capacity building endeavor to support County Governments by stakeholders especially the national government. TA on its part will continue facilitating and coordinating these efforts. 5. Threats to the independence of the Authority: Further to the inadequate budgetary allocation, the TA budget vote has been put under the Ministry of Devolution and Planning. TA is, therefore, not an independent accounting unit according to the current budget. This goes against the provisions of the TDGA which establishes the TA as an independent statutory body. This erroneous categorization of TA as a department under the Ministry will give a negative impression regarding the entity's objectivity and neutrality. The contemplation of the law is that TA independently serves the two l WfV?2?bv?fW&??V?B?B?????'F??&?6??F??26???B&R?76?&?R?b?B?2F??6??VB2V??Bv?F?????R?WfV??bv?fW&??V?B?b???FWVFR?B6??rf??r?b??f?&?F???g&???D3?F?RF?ff?7V?G???vWGF??r7'V6??FFg&???D2?2g'W7G&FVBF?RWF??&?G?w2v?&?2?BV?FVf?'2F?WF???RF?R??f?&?F???f?"F?R??FV?FVBW'?6W2??F??V????W"?F??2?2&VV?F?R66Rv?F?&Vv&BF???f?&?F?????gV?7F???2?76WG2??&??F?W2?B?V??&W6?W&6R?6??6?W6???F?R?WF??VB66???6??V?G2f?"F?R?6R??R?bG&?6?F???&R'????V?2W??W7F?fR?D?2??&V?fW"V?7W&VB7V66W76gV???VwW&F????b6?V?G?v?fW&??V?G2?BW7F&?6?VB&6?266?F?W2f?"F?V?F?V?FW'F?RF?V?"gV?7F???2?gW'F?W&??&R?F?Rf?V?FF???f?"F?R?6RGv??bG&?6?F???7F?f?F?W2?fR?6?&VV???B?D?v?F???F?R6??f??W2?b?G2??FFR?v???6??F??VRF????V?V?B?G2gV?7F???2?BGf?6FRf?"66?V?F&?Rv?fW&??6R?BV???FW''WFVB6W'f?6R&?f?6???'?F?R?F?????B6?V?G?v?fW&??V?G2F?F?RV??R?b?V???FWF??VBD&W?'G2?BF?7V?V?G26?&R?'F??VBg&???W"?ff?6W2????&?&?BW?FV?6??2??W6R??F??&?B?BWF?f???'2????R6V?6?RfV?VR2vV??2???W"vV'6?FS?wwr?G&?6WF??&?G??v???R????UD??t?t?t?6??&???G&?6?F???WF??&?G???D?R4?%?$DR??DT??tT?4Re$?4d?"UD??$?DD?dR?BU?DT?4?dR%U4??U52??4?t?E0?wwr?6?'?&FV??FV??vV?6Vg&?6??W@?????