COP February Newsletter VAYD ANNUAL CONVENTION 2014 | Page 3

Isaac Sarver announced that he would re-run for NCM. Recounting the success o f the VA delegation in San Antonio in helping to elect Atima Omara as YDA President.

Jack Bardo will be running for Outreach Chair. As Southwest Chair, Jack stated that he has seen just how powerful outreach can be. He he would like to build an outreach committee to include many young leaders, work with the DPVA Outreach Chair to continue to build up VAYD, and to focus on under represented groups like the Rural community.



Matt Bell announced he is running. Matt mentioned he has experience fundraising for political candidates, non-profits, his local democratic committee, and as the President and Co-President of the Fairfax County Young Democrats. Matt announced he would raise money to help VAYD chartered organizations, help sustain high school chapters, help college students attend CDA forums and meetings, and help VAYD promote and outreach to young democrats across the Commonwealth. Contact Matt: [email protected].

Michael Phillips said that he would run for Secretary. He plans to work closely with our Public Affairs director to ensure that VAYD is an organization which communicates effectively with its members and the public. First, making sure that meeting and call minutes are communicated in a timely manner. Two, working on a website that will be a better source of information for chapter members and officers. Finally, ensuring that our lists are up to date so we are making adequate contact with our members and the public as a whole.

Andrew Whitely, current President of Virginia Tech YDs will be running for COP Chair. Andrew stated that he would continue to build communcation lines, collaborate with chapter presidents to strengthen leadership skills, and to to foster growth and club expansion.

Braxton Marcela announced.As Chair of the College Caucus I will work to develop the Caucus into an active and effective statewide organizing presence. I will work with College chapters to make the Caucus more connected, more collaborative, and more active at the state and national level.




Lindsay Shutz and Sunnie Bean announced for Disabiity Caucus.

Katie Coulter announced for Women's Caucus.


Justin McLawhorn announced. He stated that he wanted to build new relations with exisiting chapters, as well as show that the region is a diverse representative of the Commonwealth.