COP February Newsletter VAYD ANNUAL CONVENTION 2014 | Page 4

The candidates running for Waynesboro and Staunton School Board this year shouldn’t have too much trouble getting elected — they have no competition.

Tuesday was the last day for candidates to submit

paperwork to have their name on the ballot.

Three people have thrown in their hats for three

spots on the Staunton School Board. Candidates do

not run for a specific district or ward seat, the

candidates with the most votes fill the seats.

This year, Ron Ramsey, Amy Darby and Angie Whitesell were up for re-election. All but Whitesell decided to seek another term. The only additional community member to file paperwork to get on the ballot was Laura Kleiner.

Kleiner ran against Del. Dickie Bell, R-Staunton, in the 2011 House of Delegates race. Bell scored an easy victory over Kleiner.

The Charlottesville news anchor and nurse at Western State Hospital said she wants to run for school board because her father and grandfather are professors and she has an interest in education. She added that she also wants to run to secure the best future for Staunton students.

Issues that Kleiner cares about include job obtainment for Staunton graduates, seeing the Robert E. Lee High School construction project move forward and increasing the use of technology in classrooms.

Two seats are up for grabs in Waynesboro this year.

Kathe Maneval, school chairwoman, will seek re-election in Ward C. Current board member Jeremy Taylor will not seek re-election. Vying for his seat in Ward D is William Foster Jr., a parent and social media business owner.

The election is May 6.

Joel McDonald (Hampton Roads Young Democrats) delivers a powerful speech about Democratic values and LGBT equality at the Democratic Party of Virginia's meeting in Richmond on 3/15/14. Video courtesy of Catherine Read.