Controversial Books | Page 634

612 England (continued) monarch’s titular sovereignty, 30 Parliament, 23–24, 26–28, 113 slave trade, 134 tax reform legislation, 30–31 theory of representation, 89, 98 view of colonies as subordinate to Parliament, 104–5 English Bill of Rights, 80–87, 150, 402, 411 English Constitution, 372 change in over time, 6 common law in, 35 conflicting precedents in, 28 differences from American Constitution, 23–24 impact on American constitutional development, 1, 6, 22–26 judiciary in, 25 meaning of for Americans and English, 140 ‘‘mixed and balanced’’ government, 329 Parliamentary supremacy and, 30 similarities to American Constitution, 24–25 unwritten, 3 English courts, 477 English law, 463, 475 Enlightenment, 58 Enumerated powers, 303–4, 305, 354, 394 Episcopal Church, 417 Equal footing, doctrine of, 309–10 Equality before the law limitations of in America, 134–35 in Magna Charta, 68 Equal Protection Clause, Fourteenth Amendment, 135, 573–74, 587 Equal representation, 154 Equal rights, claim of by Continental Congress, 137, 139 Index Equity law, 36, 38, 391, 422, 467 Essays (Bacon), 36 Essays on the Constitution (Harmon), 461 Established churches, 416–17 Establishment Clause, First Amendment, 415–17, 558 Everson v. Board of Education, 558 Exclusive jurisdiction, 511 Exclusive powers, 295, 305 Executive agencies, 488, 557, 596 Executive agreements, expanded use of, 557 Executive branch, 313–15, 334 appointment of Federal judges, 334 expanding powers of, 557, 596 independence, 244–45, 266–68 independence of, 334–35 and interpretation of Constitution, 488 lack of in Articles of Confederation, 159 lack of independent in first state constitutions, 149 lack of reserved powers, 41–42 limitations on power, 296 method of election of President, 331 nature of presidency, 265–68 power of senate over confirmations of appointments, 331 President vs. King debate, 400 responsibility to enforce and uphold the law, 351 special sessions of the Congress, 332 term limitation of President, 585–86 veto power of President, 333 Ex parte McCardle, 513 Export-Import Clause, Twenty-first Amendment, 585 Ex post facto laws, 301, 402