Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 88,
De Republica (Bodin), 47
De Republica (Cicero), 126–27
Despotism, 438
Dickinson, John, 33, 108, 251
on absolute rights, 140
drafting of Constitution, 119, 152,
drafting of Declaration of the
Causes and Necessity of Taking
up Arms, 121
hope for reconciliation with
England, 120
idea for Great Compromise, 264
Letters of a Farmer in Pennsylvania,
Letters of Fabius, 246
participation in writing of State
constitution, 142
‘‘The Song of the Farmer,’’ 251
support for New Jersey Plan, 263
Direct taxation, 449, 577
Discourses Concerning Government
(Sidney), 42, 44, 45
District courts, 514
District of Columbia, right to vote in
presidential elections, 587
Divine right, 45
Division of powers. See Separation of
Doctrine of equal footing, 309–10
Doctrine of Incorporation, 551, 557–59
Doctrine of judicial self-restraint, 475
Doctrine of Preemption, 484–85
Double jeopardy, 410, 420
Douglas, Stephen A., 131–32, 352
Dr. Bonham’s Case (Coke), 33, 348
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 482, 571
Dual sovereignty, 298–99
Duane, James, 118
Due process of law
Fifth Amendment, 23, 410, 420, 421
Fourteenth Amendment, 23, 558,
567, 570–75
as ‘‘law of the land’’ clause in
Magna Charta, 23
Dunmore, John, 115, 120
Dutch Reformed church, members of,
Duties, versus rights, 426–27
East India Company, 114
Education, in Northwest Ordinance,
Edward I, 26–27
Edward III, 75–79
Egalite, 130
Eighteenth Amendment, 311, 561, 565,
566, 582, 585
Eighth Amendment, 410, 422–23,
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 588
Elastic clause, 304
Electoral College system, 309, 313,
314–15, 353, 562, 568
Elements of the Common Law (Bacon),
Eleventh Amendment, 509, 566–67
Eligibility clause, 471, 473
Eliot, John, 96
Elliot, Jonathan, 384–85, 469
Ellsworth, Oliver, 252, 262, 264, 269,
Emancipation Proclamation, 570
Emergency powers, 41–42
Eminent domain, 421
Enforcement Clause, 567, 570, 596
Engel v. Vitale, 558
change in colonial policy, 111–12
colonies’ relations with, 103–8
commercial vs. political interest in
colonies, 103–4