Extended (federal) republic, 241, 254
Extradition of fugitives, 156–57, 310
Factions, 357–64, 382, 388, 404–6, 540
Fairfax, Lord, 526
Federal, meaning of, 255–57
Federal Communications
Commission, 341–42
Federal courts. See Judicial branch
Federal (extended) republic, 241, 254
Federal grants, 577–78
Federalism, American system of,
xviii–xix, 296, 297–326
advantages of, 316–21
American system of, 295, 394
and the Constitution, 311–15
defined, 297, 381
federal involvement in civil liberties
between states and citizens, 308
federal obligations to the States,
295, 307–9
future of, 321–26
limitation on judicial power, 510–11
and political diversity, 319
and political liberty, 317
and political stability, 321
protection against dictatorship,
protection of minority rights, 316
and self-reliance, 317–18
‘‘Federalism article,’’ 308
Federalist, 10–12, 16, 246, 337, 341, 379,
381, 384, 385, 392, 394, 469
No. 10, 49, 357–64, 382, 404–6
No. 33, 399
No. 34, 399
No. 40, 403–4
No. 43, 560
No. 45, 365–70, 395, 397–98
No. 47, 328, 371– 378, 397
No. 51, 327
No. 59, 398
No. 63, 148
No. 69, 400
No. 78, 400, 464, 480
No. 81, 516
No. 84, 401
Federalists, 10, 383–84
argument against President as King,
argument that Congress is not an
oligarchy, 398–99
argument that Constitution limits
and distributes power, 393–98
clash with Anti-Federalists, 392–93,
defense of judiciary, 400, 401
opposition to Bill of Rights, 382,
on sovereignty of people, 491
on State sovereignty, 395
Federal judges. See Judges, federal
The Federal Pillars, 387
Federal regulatory commissions. See
Independent regulatory
Federal spending, 324–25, 326,
398–99, 596
Federal Trade Commission, 341
Federation, 255–56
Few, William, 247
Field, Stephen J., 554
Fifteenth Amendment, 101–2, 308,
325, 498, 575–77, 576, 596
Fifth Amendment, 410, 420–21
Fifth Republic, 57
Filmer, Sir Robert, 30
Patriarcha, 45
First Amendment, 408, 409, 558, 573,
First Continental Congress
claim of equal rights, 137, 139
Declaration and Resolves of, 90,
115, 117–19, 171–75