in colonies, 98, 108–11
as ordered liberty, 418
Civil rights, 326, 498
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 312
Civil rights legislation, 325
Civil Service Act, 345
Civil Service Commission, 553
Civil War, 322, 499, 569–70
Civil War (Reconstruction)
amendments, 308, 498, 569,
571, 575
Classical tradition, in America,
Clay, Henry, 15, 352
Clinton, George, 105
Code Napoleon, 35
Code of Hammurabi, 476
Cohen v. Virginia, 379
Coke, Sir Edward (Lord Coke), 33, 36,
348, 465, 477, 502–4
Colonial charters, 89
adherence to legal customs of
England, 97–98
appointed governors, 98
bicameral legislatures, 98
civil liberties in, 98, 108–11
control over fiscal policy, 105–6
democratic class structure, 100
economic war against England, 115,
established churches, 109
freedom of press, 90, 110–11
freedom of religion, 90
freedom of speech, 90, 110–11
governments, 92–103
local self-government, 89–90, 107–8
movement toward independence,
newspapers, 110
principle of geographic
representation, 99–100
principle of legislative residency,
relations with England, 103–8
religious diversity, 97
residence of political power, 101
residency requirements for elected
representatives, 89
restricted franchise, 98, 101
rudimentary separation of powers,
slaves in, 89
Comet, Auguste, 127
Commentaries on American Law (Kent),
239, 414
Commentaries on the Constitution
(Story), 414, 419, 469–73, 475–76,
Commentaries on the Laws of England
(Blackstone), 32, 50, 414, 466–67
Commerce clause, 323–24, 325, 344,
390, 557
‘‘Committee for States’ Rights,
Grievances and Means of Redress,’’
Committee of Detail, 269
Committee of Style, 269
Common law
English tradition of, 5, 23, 32–39
influence on Constitution, 1, 35, 52
opposition to after American
Revolution, 35
and rights of persons, 420
and right to trial by jury, 124, 422
Common Sense (Paine), 44, 121–22,
Compact theory of government, 97
The Complete Anti-Federalist (Storing),
384, 385
Concurrent jurisdiction, 511, 512
Concurrent powers, of Congress, 295,
Conditional grants to States, 324