Controversial Books | Page 630

608 Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de, 48, 298 Confederate States of America, 322 Confederation governments, 47, 255–56, 297 Conflict of laws, 157 Congregational Church, 109, 416 Congress, United States commerce power, 323, 496, 596 constitutional authority, 337–39 constitutional debate in, 488, 489 control of the military, 333 delegated and implied powers, 295 delegation of powers to executive agencies and regulatory commissions, 341–47 expanded use of spending power, 324–25 independence, 334 lack of leadership, 596 power over Federal courts, 268, 506–7, 514 powers delegated to, 299–301, 303 powers of, 303–6 power to restrict Supreme Court’s jurisdiction, 486–87, 512–13 power to tax and spend, 324–25, 398–99 prohibition against the diminution of judicial salaries, 508 Congressional Government (Wilson), 338 Congressional Pay Amendment, 591–94 Congress of Vienna, 54 Connecticut claim of western lands, 152–53 colonial government, 98 state constitution, 144, 148 Connecticut, Fundamental Orders of, 89, 168–70 Connecticut Compromise, 241–42 Index Consent, government by, 139 Conservative party, 31 Considerations on the Grandeur of the Romans and Their Decline (Montesquieu), 18 Consolidated system, of government, 256 Constituent assemblies, 481 Constitutional courts, 505–6 Constitutional government meaning of, 2–9, 140 as product of natural law tradition, 127 Constitutional liberty, struggle for, 39–47 Constitutional Limitations (Cooley), 354 Constitutional (Philadelphia) Convention of 1787, 9, 10, 163–64 achievement, 241–42 compromise, 263–69 consensus, 269–73 debate over slavery, 270–72 delegates to, 246–53 difficulties, 244–46 and issue of representation, 264 jealousy between large and small states, 270 as ‘‘the Miracle of Philadelphia,’’ 272 objectives, 243 states represented, 242 ‘‘The Constitution and the Bill of Rights’’ (Storing), 461 The Constitution of Liberty (Hayek), 347 Constitution of the United States of America as act of people, 353 amending, 295, 310–11, 464, 487–88, 551, 560–63 basic principles, 351–54 as a bill of rights, 403 celebration of, 405