Controversial Books | Page 628

606 British Empire, 103 Brown, Henry, 549 Brownson, Orestes: The American Republic, 22 Brown v. Board of Education, 574 Bryce, James, xviii, 320, 321 Bunker Hill, Battle of, 119 Burger, Warren, 483 Burke, Edmund on Bolingbroke, 142 bronze statue of, 37 champion of American cause, 133 on change, 6, 560 on European civilization, 247 on ideology, 599 on neglect of colonies by London, 104 opposition to French Revolution, 53 Reflections on the Revolution in France, 53 on slavery, 133 ‘‘Speech to the Electors of Bristol,’’ 37 Burke, Thomas, 155 Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 47, 465 Burr, Aaron duel with Hamilton, 251 election of 1800, 313–14, 568 Bush, George, 489 Calder v. Bull, 301 Calhoun, John C., 15, 352, 493, 579 Capital punishment, 423 Carpetbaggers, 575 Cary v. Curtis, 514 Case of Commendams, 502 Caswell, Richard, 119 Catholics, 97, 109–10 Cato’s Letters (Gordon), 18 Central government arguments for a strong, 384–86 arguments for a weak, 255, 259 Index defined, 256 limited, in Articles of Confederation, 158 Centralization, 306, 322–26 Chancery courts, 36, 391 Charles I, 28, 29, 41 Charles II, 27 Chase, Samuel, 507 Chatham, Lord, 23 Checks and balances checks upon the Congress, 332–33 checks upon the ju