reliance on state judiciaries, 159
and state sovereignty, 91–92,
text of, 230–38
unicameral Congress, 158
Assembly, freedom of, 409, 417–18,
Assize courts, in Magna Charta, 65
Athens, 253
Austria, 256
Bacon, Sir Francis, 36, 470, 475
in Eighth Amendment, 410, 422–23,
in Northwest Ordinance, 458
Balance of power. See Separation of
Baptists, 109
Barralet, James John: Apotheosis of
Washington, 20
Barron v. Baltimore, 498, 558
Bastille, 52
Battle of Bunker Hill, 119
Berger, Carl J., 487
Berkeley, William, 93
Bible, King James Version, 12
Bicameral legislatures, 24
‘‘Big government,’’ 325
Bill of Rights (English), 23, 80–87, 150
Bill of Rights (U.S.), 23
adoption of, 406
Anti-Federalists’ demand for, 382
application only to Congress, 408
civil liberties in, 108–10
Federalists’ opposition to, 354,
lack of equal rights provision, 135
nationalization of, 325, 551, 557–58
originally adopted version, 408–9
proposals of the States for, 164,
purpose, 408
sources of the, 412–13
text of, 409–10, 411
First Amendment, 408, 409, 415–18,
558, 573
Second Amendment, 409
Third Amendment, 409, 419–20
Fourth Amendment, 409, 420
Fifth Amendment, 410, 420–21
Sixth Amendment, 410, 421–22
Seventh Amendment, 410, 422
Eighth Amendment, 410, 422–23,
Ninth Amendment, 382, 410,
Tenth Amendment, 306, 322, 323,
382, 425–26
Bills of attainder, protection against,
Bills of pains and penalties, 301
Blackstone, William, 31, 32, 251, 329,
414, 446, 465, 468, 470
Board of Trade, England, 104, 105
Bodin, Jean: De Republica, 47
Bolingbroke, Viscount: The Idea of a
Patriot King, 142–43
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 19, 34–35,
Book of Common Prayer, 12
Bootleggers, 582
‘‘Bostonians Tarring and Feathering a
British Agent,’’ 116
Boston Massacre, 114
Boston Port Act, 114, 115
Boston Tea Party, 31, 114
Boucher, Jonathan, 45, 46
Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 502
Bracton, Henry de, 348
Brady Gun Control Act, 324
Breckinridge, John, 492
British Constitution. See English