Amendments (continued)
See also Constitution of the United
States of America—Amendments
The American Commonwealth (Bryce),
xviii, 320
American Dictionary of the English
Language (Webster), 411
American electorate, ignorance of, 102
American political culture, vocabulary
of, 17–18
The American Republic (Brownson), 22
American Revolution
catalyst for anti-slavery sentiment,
compared to French Revolution,
outbreaks of mutiny among troops,
Ames, Fisher, 415–17
‘‘Andy Johnson, Tribune of the
People,’’ 340
Anglicans, 109
Anglo-Saxons, 26
Annapolis Convention, 163
Anti-Federalists, 10
‘‘Address and Reasons of Dissent of
the Minority of the Convention of
the State of Pennsylvania to Their
Constituents,’’ 429–53
arguments against the General
Welfare, Tax, Necessary and
Proper clauses, and Supremacy
clause, 398–99
clash with Federalists, 403–9
concern for States’ Rights, 392, 397
criticism of separation of powers
system, 397
fear of Constitution’s broad
delegations of power, 389
fear of despotism, 386–89
fear of imperial Congress, 389–90
fear of judicial abuse of power, 38
fear of monarchy, 390–91
fear of omnipotent judiciary, 391–92
fear of power of federal
government, 381–82, 385–86
opposition to Constitution, 10, 49
preference for homogeneous
republics, 404
in Republican party, 249, 383–84
support for Bill of Rights, 392, 403
support for revision of Articles of
Confederation, 393
Anti-slavery movement, 133, 136
Apathy, political, 102
Apotheosis of Washington (Barralet), 20
Appellate courts (circuit courts), 512,
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 126
Argentina, constitution of, 4
natural law philosophy, 125–26
on nature of governments, 16–17
on slavery, 128
Articles of Confederation, 10, 91, 141,
152–64, 298, 320
amendment problems, 162
carry-over to Constitution of 1787,
decline of commercial activity
under, 160–61
extradition clause, 156–57
‘‘federal’’ government under, 256
inadequacies, 160–63, 298, 320–21
issues dividing large and small
states, 154–55
lack of proper distribution of
power, 394
lack of provision for executive or
judicial branches, 159
lack of Supremacy Clause, 159–60
lack of taxation and commerce
powers, 158–59
limited central government, 158