Abolitionist Movement, 133, 136
Absolute rights, 140, 418
Accountability, 7–8
Act of Settlement of 1701, 30
Act of Toleration of 1689, 110
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg,
Lord, 13
Adams, John, 15, 117
absence from Constitutional
Convention, 253
account of first Congress, 117, 118
call on colonies to adopt
constitutions, 144
champion of federalism, 319
check and balance concept, 330
condemnation of Pennsylvania
constitution, 148
and Declaration of Independence,
and Declaration of Rights of 1774,
Defence of the Constitutions of
Government of the United States, 16
deism, 109
disagreement with French political
theory, 47
drafting of State constitutions, 91
‘‘Father of American
constitutionalism,’’ 142–44
judicial appointments in last weeks
of administration, 519
on monarchy, 45
portrait of by John Trumbull, 143
reading of Bolingbroke, 142
Resolution for Independence of
May 1776, 125
on Stamp Act, 39
support for bill of rights, 411
‘‘Thoughts on Government,’’ 91,
144, 145, 191–98
Adams, John Quincy, 15, 50, 54, 117,
299, 500
Adams, Samuel, 307
Administration of Justice Act, 115
Admiralty law, 422
African Americans
first in Virginia Colony, 93
as slaveowners, 93–94
See also Slavery
Agnew, Spiro, 589
‘‘Agrippa’’ (pseud.), 386
Alien and Sedition Acts, 259, 491–92
Amendment process, 295, 464, 487–88,
551, 560–63
as barrier to sectional privilege and
discrimination, 561–62
convention method, 562–63
limits of power of, 563–66
role of states in, 310–11
Amendments, to the Constitution of
the United States
Civil War (Reconstruction), 308, 498,
569, 571, 575
frivolous, 565
lack of prov