Controversial Books | Page 425

Das Arabische Buro: der Grossmufti Monthly Yearly In foreign currencies................................. Special expenses, "made once" (furniture, etc.) ................................................ El Khailani account: for rents, personal upkeep, wages, salaries (residence in Berlin, Houses I, II, III, IV, and ten other houses) ......................................... In foreign currencies................................ Special expenses, "made once" (furniture, etc.) ................................................. Five months at sea resort Banzin, "made once" ............................................ Fauzi el Kaudzi4 account: for rents, residence in Altenberg ............................ Prince Mansour Daud5 (a cousin of King Farouk): for rents, personal expenses ...................................................... Kamil Mrowa account: paid "in foreign currency"6 ................................................. Upkeep for miscellaneous other Arabs .. 150 Arab students, Paris, "living expenses in foreign currency" .................... Total 4 421 25,000 300,000 21,100 86,580 1,038,960 30,000 360,000 155,800 82,000 600 7,200 12,750 153,000 2,500 10,300 30,000 123,600 160,000 1,920,000 4,993,860 Document NG-5461 includes an explanatory note, as follows: "Fauzi el Kaudzi [German spelling] is the well known rebel leader from Palestine, who in 1941 returned from Iraq to Greece seriously wounded and was subsequently brought to Germany. Fauzi el Kaudzi held the rank of colonel in the German Army and in addition to the pension from Raschid Ali el Gailani, he received financial support from the Wehrmacht. The support from the Wehrmacht was reduced in the course of the year 1944 and finally amounted to onlv about 30 bottles of cognac a month." 5 According to Document NG-5461, the Prince "came to Germany in 1943 with his wife and two children and attached himself to the Grand Mufti. Later [he] joined the Waffen-SS as an ordinary soldier." 6 According to Document NG-5461, Mrowa was "stationed in Sofia [capital of Bulgaria] allegedly to listen to the radio stations of the Middle East. . . . Mrowa sent his reports to Berlin daily."