Controversial Books | Page 426

422 CAIRO TO DAMASCUS ". . . ON THE SOIL OF KASHMIR OR PALESTINE" WITH the triumph of the Allies, the Mufti again became a fugitive. He reached France and was housed in a villa in the fashionable Paris suburb of Rambouillet. At a time when France hungered, the Mufti lived in luxury. The French winked an eye at all this, anxious not to hurt His Excellency's feelings because France held Morocco, Indochina, and other colonies with heavy Moslem populations. England, too, had to proceed cautiously lest it offend the pro-Axis Arab ruling cliques of the Middle East. Although morally she should have undertaken the prosecution of the Mufti as a war criminal, she did not ask France for his extradition. It was about this time that the Mufti's escape to Cairo was engineered by Marouf Dawalibi—the Mephisto