ing to large Moslem populations in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, the Mufti with the help of Pavelich, the Croatian quisling,
recruited substantial numbers of Moslem Holy Warriors who
fought as the Waffen SS, and the "Free Arabia" movement.
The Mufti visited these troops frequently, praying with them,
exhorting them to fight for Allah.
Haj Amin also wrote to leaders in Rumania, Bulgaria, and
Hungary urging them to speed the Jews to Poland—where it
was known that the major Nazi death chambers were located. To von Ribbentrop he complained that despite the
Nazi declaration to destroy the "so-called Jewish national
home," Jews were being exchanged for Palestinian Germans
and German prisoners of war. As a consequence, all such exchanges involving Jews were stopped; arrangements by the
Jewish Agency to send 900 Hungarian children accompanied
by 100 adults were also sabotaged. The result was that hundreds of thousands of Jews were liquidated as a "practical example" of friendship by "Germany towards the Arab Nation."
According to Document NG-5461, Office of Chief of
Counsel for War Crimes, the following enormous expenditures were made, in German marks,3 on the Arab crusade
against the Allied cause:
Monthly Yearly
Mufti account: for rents, personal upkeep, wages, salaries (residences in
Berlin; houses I, II, III, IV; Hotel
Adlon; Hotel Zittau; the Jewish Institute, Klopstockstrasse) ..........................
feted everywhere as a hero, and the Syrian government granted him a large
house in Damascus. In Lebanon, his birthplace, he lived as the summer guest
of various Lebanese officials. The Arab League bestowed on him the highest
Arab military rank, that of commander of the Army of Liberation. Later, King
Abdullah granted him the title of Pasha, highest in the Arab social lexicon.
Two and a half marks were equivalent at the time to one dollar.