Regulations and Requirements
Section 3 . Campaigning Materials
Section 4 . Campaigning Expenses
Regulations and Requirements
Section 3 . Campaigning Materials
Campaign materials can be placed wherever the institution hosting the NJCL Convention allows . Since the host changes every year , rules on the permitted areas for campaign materials are also subject to change . All campaign materials must be removed from campus grounds after the election .
Alongside following the host ’ s policy , materials are also subject to rules set by the NJCL Board of Directors . If the Board of Directors deems a campaign material inappropriate , it must be removed .
Section 4 . Campaigning Expenses
The Bylaws doesn ’ t set a specific limit on campaign expenses and instead gives that power to the Board of Directors . To make sure candidates follow this limit , the Parliamentarian must collect receipts at the end of NomCom . If a candidate passes the expense limit , they may be eliminated from the election .
How do I do it ?
Δ Specify when campaigning may begin . Usually , this is after the event when candidates first give speeches .
Δ List what events candidates are required to attend and what they ’ re required to do at them .
Δ Either include a set campaign expense limit ( e . g ., $ 50 ) or , if not , designate who sets the limit and in what document the limit is set . That is , if the limit isn ’ t defined in the constitution or bylaws , it should be defined in some special rules document .