Article vi / Elections
Article VI , despite being broadly called “ Elections ”, just lays out the procedure for installing new officers . It ’ s pretty simple , so I ’ ll let this article explain itself .
Installation .
A . The President , upon installation , shall affirm : “ I , ( name ), as National JCL President , promise to uphold and carry out my duties as stated in the National JCL Constitution and Bylaws . I further promise to carry out the recommendations of the JCL National Committee and to help promote the Junior Classical League and the study of Greek , Latin , and ancient cultures during my term of office .”
B .
The President shall then ask the officers the following questions , which each officer shall respond with “ I do .”
1 . Do you promise to uphold and carry out your duties as stated in the NJCL Constitution and Bylaws ?
2 . Do you promise to carry out the recommendations of the National Committee and to help promote the Junior Classical League and the study of Greek , Latin , and ancient cultures during your term of office ?
How do I do it ?
At minimum , incoming officers should promise to uphold your JCL ’ s constitution and bylaws .
Any further required statements should be inclusive as to not include anything someone may object to .