Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 3 | Page 12

Bylaws — Article III

Bylaws — Article III

Section 5 /

Duties of the

Communications Coordinator

The Communications Coordinator — unofficially abbreviated as the “ CoCo ” — takes minutes and handles technology .


According to Robert ’ s Rules of Order , every organization should have a secretary to keep the “ minutes ” — a written record — of a meeting . In the NJCL , the Communications Coordinator is the secretary .
The Bylaws state that the CoCo must take minutes at the following :
Δ the NJCL Convention Δ all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Board Δ “ all other recordable events ”
Essentially , if minutes can be taken , the CoCo should be there to take them .


Alongside taking minutes , the Communications Coordinator also serves as a resource for all things tech . If a State or local chapter is having any technology-related issues , they can reach out to the CoCo for assistance .
The CoCo is also in charge of judging technology-related competitions , including the NJCL website contest .

How do I do it ?

Minute-taking should fall to your communications coordinator , webmaster , or secretary — whatever you prefer to call it . If your JCL has a website , website management can also fall to this office , though it can also be handled by adults instead of student officers .
If you don ’ t have a dedicated secretary office , then when a new board begins its term , it should designate an officer to be secretary and keep it consistent throughout the term .