Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 3 | Page 10

Bylaws — Article III
Note :

Bylaws — Article III

Section 3 /

Duties of the

First Vice President

The First Vice President has two duties defined in the NJCL Bylaws :
Δ publicizing the NJCL and its convention ; Δ promoting NJCL membership .

Publicizing NJCL

The Bylaws require the First Vice President to publicize the organization and the annual convention “ through national , State , and local news media ”. In practice , this involves promoting national events , encouraging State & local events , and improving communication between levels of JCL .
Note :
Keep names and terms consistent between your documents ! For example , if you use “ First Vice President ” in your constitution , don ’ t use other names like “ 1VP ” in your bylaws .

Promoting Membership

The First Vice President also heads efforts to add more members and chapters to the NJCL . This goes hand-in-hand with publicizing the organization as a whole and can be done in many ways — such as reaching out to schools and hosting events that may help newcomers .

How do I do it ?

Like the NJCL ’ s First Vice President , your first vice president or equivalent is often in charge of publicizing your JCL and recruiting members . For a State , this would involve getting local chapters to join . For a local chapter , this would involve recruiting students within the school .
It ’ s also common to include in the duties that the first vice president takes over when the president is absent . If this order of authority — a . k . a . “ gavel order ” — isn ’ t established elsewhere , it can be included in the duties .