Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 2 | Page 8

Section 1 . Board Composition .
Section 2 . Board Duties & Powers .
Section 3 . Board Meetings .
Fall Planning Meeting
Spring Planning Meeting

Article Ix /

Board of Directors

The NJCL Constitution has two “ boards ” that lead NJCL : the Board of Directors and the Executive Board . Article IX goes over the former .

Section 1 . Board Composition .

The Board of Directors is made up of the National Committee ( adults of the Board ) and the NJCL officers ( students of the Board ).

Section 2 . Board Duties & Powers .

As far as duties go , the Constitution leaves things open . The Board supervises NJCL affairs , plans the Convention , and performs whatever else is needed according to the NJCL ’ s governing documents .

Section 3 . Board Meetings .

Section 3 . A . Regular Meetings The NJCL Board of Directors has two regular meetings each year :

Fall Planning Meeting

The Fall Planning Meeting ( FPM ) is the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors . It takes place during fall , always at the university that ’ s hosting the upcoming NJCL Convention .

Spring Planning Meeting

The Spring Planning Meeting ( SPM ) is the second regular meeting , taking place during spring . The location isn ’ t defined in the NJCL Constitution and varies from year to year .
Section 3 . B . Special Meetings
Like a special meeting of all of the NJCL , a special meeting of the Board of Directors can be called by the NJCL President or the Chairperson of the National Committee . It must be announced at least a week in advance .