Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 2 | Page 14


Article xiii ( cont .)

Section 2 . Amendment Procedure

Section 2 is split into three parts , each detailing part of the how amendments are ratified at the NJCL Convention .

A .

Once approved by the Board of Directors and ACL Board of Governors , amendments go to the Amendments Committee meeting ( AmendCom ) at the NJCL Convention . This meeting must occur at least 24 hours before the final vote on amendments .
The following are required to attend AmendCom : Σ two representatives from each State at Convention ; Σ the Parliamentarian , to be chair of the Amendments Committee ; Σ the Constitutional Advisor , to be an advisor to the committee .
At AmendCom , representatives vote on whether amendments should be considered for ratification . If an amendment receives a simple majority at AmendCom , it ’ s moved forward for the States to ratify later on .
Like the Nominations Committee meeting , AmendCom has a quorum — or attendance requirement — of three-fourths of all State delegations for the meeting to take place .

B .

States vote to ratify amendments at the same time as officer voting — during voting fellowships . For amendment voting , each State gets one vote per representative sent to AmendCom ( up to two ):
2 Reps → 2 Votes 1 Rep → 1 Vote 0 Reps → 0 Votes
Submission to President & Parli
Majority Vote by NJCL Board of Directors
Approv by ACL Board of