Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 2 | Page 13

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Article xiii / Amendments

“[ A constitution ] should always prescribe the procedure for [ its ] amendment , and such provision should always require at least that advance notice be given in a specified manner , and that the amendment be approved by a two-thirds vote .”
- Robert ’ s Rules of Order
Finally , we ’ re at the last article of the NJCL Constitution : Amendments !
Like any good governing document , the NJCL Constitution is not set in stone . Rather , it can be changed — amended — to make improvements , correct oversights , and stay up-to-date as the NJCL changes . Article XIII covers how all of this works .

Section 1 . Amendments

Section 1 gives some brief but important information on amendments .
“ This constitution may be amended at the NJCL Convention by a two-thirds vote , provided that the amendment be submitted in writing to the President and Parliamentarian and postmarked before March 1st , and has been approved by the Board of Directors and the ACL Board of Governors prior to the annual Convention .”
The Board of Directors typically approves amendments at its Fall Planning Meeting and Spring Planning Meeting ( Article IX ). Afterwards , they ’ re sent to the ACL Board of Governors to check for any conflicts with ACL documents .
Additionally , note that while the Constitution refers to postmarking and submission “ in writing ”, proposed amendments are best sent by email to the President and Parliamentarian .
Note :
The NJCL Bylaws have a similar but slightly di�erent amendment process . This is detailed in , as you could guess , the Bylaws .
Finally , only members and sponsors in good standing can propose amendments , though this isn ’ t defined in the Constitution .