Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 8

Section 2 . Local Chapters
Rules for Local Chapters

Article Iv

Article IV is even longer than Article III ( don ’ t worry ; it gets much worse ) and goes into divisions . Just like the U . S . has states , counties , cities , etc ., the NJCL has its own levels of division .
Section 1 ( Divisions ) simply states the following :
The divisions of the NJCL shall be the local chapters and States . The next sections will go into more detail about what each of these are .

Section 2 . Local Chapters

Section 2 starts by listing rules for local chapters ( see bottom of page ). Section 2 . A . Chapter Sponsors
A sponsor is responsible for their chapter , its members , and any chapter activities . To be a sponsor , you must be : A . a member of the American Classical League ; B . a teacher in classics or an legal adult high school graduate that lives near the chapter ’ s students ; C . able to perform the duties specified in the NJCL Chapter Handbook .
Section 2 . B . Good Standing
For a chapter to be able to run candidates for office , vote in elections , etc ., it must pay the annual fee before July 1 .

Rules for Local Chapters

Ω A chapter must have a sponsor and at least one member . Ω Each chapter and its members must affiliate with their State . Ω Each chapter and its members must pay the annual fee ( specified in the Bylaws ). Ω Each chapter has to fill the NJCL Chapter Form . Ω Each school can only have one chapter . Ω Each chapter must carry out the purpose of the NJCL . Ω Any constitutions , bylaws , or other rules a chapter has can ’ t conflict with the NJCL
Constitution , Bylaws , or Chapter Handbook .