Extraordinary Membership Occurrences
Section 3 .
Extraordinary Membership Occurrences
When edge cases pop up , it ’ s helpful to have something in your governing documents to deal with them . In this case , the NJCL Constitution designates the handling of any membership-related edge cases to the Membership Chair of the National Committee ( the adults that oversee the NJCL alongside the elected student officers ).
How do I do it ?
The most important job of your Members article is to detail requirements for membership in your JCL .
Specify exactly what ’ s required to be eligible for membership : courses someone must be taking , dues they need to send , etc .
If you have a separate constitution and bylaws , you may want to put the exact amount of required membership fees in the bylaws so that they can be more easily amended .
Ω In a State JCL , include a registration method for members-at-large — people who aren ’ t in a local chapter but still want to join your State .
Ω Make sure include a way to handle edge cases should they come up .