Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 6

Section 1 . Classifications
Section 2 . Eligibility

Article Iii

One of the most important duties of a Constitution is to specify membership requirements . This article is a lot lengthier than the first two , so it ’ s organized into three sections .

Section 1 . Classifications

Robert ’ s Rules mention that a Members article often distinguishes between different classes of members , such as “ active ”, “ associate ”, and “ honorary ”.
Section 1 states that the NJCL simply just has “ active ” membership , which anyone who is or has taken a classics course is eligible for .

Section 2 . Eligibility

This section gets into more specifics on membership requirements . Any pre-university student can be a member if they meet other requirements , which vary depending on whether the student is part of a State and local chapter ( we ’ ll discuss what those are in Article IV ):

A .

Students in a State and local chapter can become members of that chapter and , by extension , the NJCL .

B .

Members-at-large ( students without a State or local chapter ) need to fill the NJCL Member-at-Large Form .
In both cases , students need to pay dues to their State JCL ( if it exists ) and the NJCL .