Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 5

The object of the NJCL shall be to :

Article Ii / Object

“… the object of a society should be concisely expressed in a single sentence , the various aspects or phases [ either ] being written in sequence , set off by semicolons , or in lettered sub-paragraphs , also set off by semicolons . The statement should be general in its application ….”
- Robert ’ s Rules of Order
After stating your JCL ’ s name , it ’ s only natural to establish what it does ! Every organization has an object , purpose , or goal , and the NJCL is no different .
Robert ’ s Rules suggest that Article II be the object or purpose of an organization .
The NJCL has three objectives .

The object of the NJCL shall be to :

A . promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life , history , and literature ;

B . impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics ;

C . interest other students in the classical languages and literature , government , laws , and arts .

How do I do it ?

Ω Your object should be identical or similar to the NJCL ’ s .
Ω It can be formatted as a single sentence or list of points . E . g .: “ The object of < your JCL > shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life , history , andl literature ; impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics ; and interest other students in the classical languages and literature , government , laws , and arts .”