Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 4

Note :
For State Constitutions Add the following :
For Local Constitutions Add the following :

Article i / Name

According to Robert ’ s Rules of Order , Article 1 of a constitution typically states the organization ’ s name .
The NJCL Constitution accomplishes this with one sentence :
“ The name of the Society shall be the
NATIONAL JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE , hereafter referred to as NJCL , a constituent division of the
AMERICAN CLASSICAL LEAGUE , hereafter referred to as ACL .”
Note :
You may have noticed that the NJCL Constitution doesn ’ t have a preamble ! This is to avoid redundancy : anything that might be in a preamble is already stated other parts of the Constitution .

How do I do it ?

Ω In one sentence , state the full name in Article I . Ω If you use an abbreviation , put that after the full name .
E . g .: “… < full name >, hereafter referred to as < abbreviation >.”

For State Constitutions Add the following :

“… an affiliate State chapter of the National Junior Classical League , hereafter referred to as NJCL .”

For Local Constitutions Add the following :

“… an affiliate local chapter of < state JCL name >, hereafter referred to as < state JCL abbreviation >, and the National Junior Classical League , hereafter referred to as NJCL .”