Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 9

Section 3 . States
Note :
Rules for States


Section 3 . States

Section 3 follows the exact same format as Section 2 . Section 3 . A . State Chairs
A State Chair is the State-level equivalent of a sponsor . A State can have as many State Chairs as is necessary ( though it needs at least one to be in good standing ).
Additionally , the NJCL Constitution sets a maximum State Chair term limit of five years .
Note :
A State doesn ’ t have to be a state ! States can be territories , federal districts , geographic regions , or even entire countries .
To be a State Chair , you must be : A . a member of the American Classical League ; B . a teacher in classics or an legal adult high school graduate that lives in the State ’ s geographic area ; C . able to perform the duties specified in the NJCL Chapter Handbook .
Section 3 . B . Good Standing
For a State to be in good standing , its State Chair must register with the Constitutional Advisor by June 15 . This registration includes State Chair contact information , State Chair election procedures , chapter registration procedures , and State due amounts .

Rules for States

Ω A State must have at least one chapter . Ω All chapters in the State ’ s geographic area belong to the State . Ω All chapters in a State must pay State membership dues . Ω Each State must carry out the object of the NJCL . Ω Each State must also help its chapters also carry out the object . Ω Any constitutions , bylaws , or other rules a State has can ’ t conflict with the NJCL Constitution ,
Bylaws , or Chapter Handbook .