Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 13

Note :
Section 3 . B . 3 . States of Emergency

Nomination Procedure

Section 3 . B

Section 3 . B delves into the actual Nominations Committee meeting .
First off , the following are required to attend NomCom :
Ω two representatives from each State at Convention ; Ω all prospective nominees — filed candidates and anyone looking to be nominated from the floor ; Ω sponsors from the States of prospective nominees ; Ω the Parliamentarian , to be the chair of NomCom ; Ω the Communications Coordinator , to take minutes .
Note :
If the Parliamentarian is running for office , the President briefly takes over while the Parliamentarian is being nominated .
Additionally , NomCom has a quorum of three-fourths of the States present at Convention . If this quorum is not met , the meeting cannot take place .
Section 3 . B . 3 . States of Emergency
Normally , nominees from the floor are not allowed .
However , if fewer than two people have filed for an office , the Parliamentarian may call what ’ s called a State of Emergency , allowing nominations from the floor .
Interestingly , the Nominations Committee can , by majority vote , disregard Article V , Section 2 . B and allow floor nominees to be from States that held the office the previous term .