Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 12

Article V Section 3

Article V Section 3

In the NJCL , people running for office need to be nominated at the Nominations Committee meeting ( NomCom ) at the NJCL Convention . Section 3 covers this meeting and the process leading up to it .

Section 3 . A

Section 3 . A establishes some important pre-Convention deadlines :
June 15 Prospective candidates need to fill out and send nomination forms in order to file for consideration at NomCom .
June 20 The Parliamentarian needs to tell candidates the number of people who have filed for each office .
June 30 Candidates have until this date to switch offices . Doing so doesn ’ t require filling out a new form , but it does require State Chair permission .
After June 30 The Parliamentarian tells NJCL members which offices have one or no pre-filed candidates , in which case a State of Emergency will occur at NomCom .