Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 11

Article V
Officers Eligibility
Section 1 . Officers
Section 2 . Eligibility

Article V

Sections 1 & 2 /

Officers Eligibility

Section 1 . Officers

Officers , Officers starts things off simple by listing the officers . The order they ’ re listed in here will be important later :
Note :
While not explicitly stated , it is well understood that the Parliamentarian is the best officer at every level of JCL .
“ The elected officers of the NJCL shall be the President , First Vice President , Second Vice President , Communications Coordinator , Parliamentarian , Historian , and Editor .”

Section 2 . Eligibility

Any Officers article should list the requirements for being an officer . The NJCL Constitution requires that nominees and candidates not only meet a set of requirements but maintain those requirements if elected .
To run for and hold office , you must :
A .
have permission from your guardian , sponsor , or State Chair ;
B .
be from a State that is NOT holding the position that you ’ re running for ;
C .
have attended a prior NJCL Convention ( in-person or virtually );
D .
be in middle or high school ( again , for all of your term );
E .
take a Latin , Greek , or other classical / ancient studies class for at least
half of your term OR have taken all Latin , Greek , and classical / ancient
studies courses available ;
F .
be the only candidate for any office from your State ;
G .
be from a local chapter and State in good standing .
Requirement B can be disregarded in certain cases , which we ’ ll soon cover .