Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 6
(while still yellow); can be eaten raw, cooked or even
made into wine!
Considered a noxious weed by many; Dandelion is food and
medicine, and should be honored as such; we should instead
consider it one of our best plant allies on the planet.
"I am not a lover of lawns.
Rather would I see daisies
in their thousands, ground
ivy, hawkweed, and even
the hated plantain with
tall stems, and dandelions
with splendid flowers and
fairy down, than the too -
well-tended lawn." William
Henry Hudson.
Dandelion is a large
genus of flowering plants
in the family Asteraceae,
and is one of the first
plants to appear in the
spring. The Latin name
Taraxacum originates in
medieval Persian writings
on pharmacy. Plants with
the word officinalis, or
officinale after it means
that a herb plant has
been used for thousands
of years successfully as
"If dandelions were hard
to grow, they would be
most welcome on any
lawn." Andrew Mason.
dandelion teaches us
perseverance; no matter
what is thrown at it;
pesticides, sprays, etc.,
it always finds a way
to endue and thrive; it
grows no matter what
obstacle it encounters.
Dandelion has been
used by humans for food
and as an herb for much
of recorded history.
Dandelion, which literally
translates into “lion’s
tooth” in French, is rich
in vitamin A, vitamin C,
iron and calcium and has
detoxifying qualities.
the juice of the root
being still more powerful
is the part of the plant
most used for medicinal
purposes. Flowers are
sweet and leaves slightly
bitter both can be eaten
raw or cooked. Other
ways to use is by making
a skin Poultice, tincture/
extract, infusion or a tea.
This remarkable plant is
an abundant natural
All parts are used, the
root, fresh and dried, the
tops. All
parts of
the plant
contain a
milky juice
With all its
source, as all parts of
the plant can be eaten.
The root is often roasted
and used in teas or
consumed whole; used
in the past as a coffee
substitute. The leaves
make a great addition to
salads or other dishes
requiring greens
and the flowers
Dandelion has many health benefits; helps with
relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary
disorders, acne, jaundice, and anemia, to name
a few. It also helps in maintaining bone health,
in skin care and is a diuretic. Most bitter plants
such as Dandelion help clean the kidneys and liver.
Dandelion is not only official but is used in many
patent medicines; not being poisonous, high doses of
its preparations may be taken. Its beneficial action is
best obtained when combined with other agents. Helps
protect bones, high in calcium and vitamin K, cleanses
the liver, fights diabetes and used for skin Infections,
high in Antioxidants, rich in fiber, and a good source of
vitamin A . What a power house! I love to add it to my
eggs along with chickweed; delicious combination.
After flowering is finished, the dandelion flower
head dries out for a day or two. The dried petals and
stamens drop off, the bracts reflex (curve backwards),
and the parachute ball opens into a full sphere. We can
spread these seeds to help it along; as we do this it’s a
wonderful and fun way to make what I call wishes.
Dandelion is a survivor and one of our greatest plant
Let’s stop using roundup and other pesticides. These
plants are here to help humanity and other animals, as
food and medicine; they also provide the planet with
great beauty; let’s Enjoy, love and honor this amazing
plant! We just can’t keep dandelion down; nor should
"You fight dandelions all weekend, and late Monday
afternoon there they are, pert as all get out, in full
and gorgeous bloom, pretty as can be, thriving as only
dandelions can in the face of adversity." Hal Borland.
Before gathering any plant, please sit with them, honor
and always thank them. Also when gathering plants
from wild sources (such as backyards) it is important
to make sure that the area has not been sprayed
with pesticides or herbicides and that it does
not come from an area where pets may have
Roots: Wash very thoroughly, chop into fine
pieces, and roast by heating on high in an oven for
about two hours. Let Steep 1-2 teaspoons in hot water
for about 10 minutes.
Dandelion Tea: Flowers and Leaves: Wash, then let
steep in hot water for 15-20 minutes.
General: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare
practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are
pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. For educational purposes
only; this information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease. Not intended as a substitute for advice
from your physician or other health care professional.