Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 5

Reflections on the Evolving Consciousness of Money Continued ...
money , to create a new story of beneficial wealth and conscientious abundance .
I recently attended a course led by Lynne Twist , author of “ The Soul of Money ” and founder of “ The Soul of Money Institute ”. She made a powerful observation with regards to a recent mindset shift in our society from regarding ourselves as citizens of these United States to being referred to and primarily labeled as Consumers . As citizens we hold ourselves accountable as contributors to the greater good . As consumers , we are merely expected to devour the greater good .
We have the power to consciously create a collaborative , abundant and resourceful life as citizens of our communities , our country and our planet , through mindful thoughts and behaviors with regards to how we respond to the financial situations in our everyday environments .
• Be generous , yet do not deplete yourself .
• Claim yourself as worthy .
• Have the courage to demand the Universe provide you with ‘ enough ’!
• Help others see their own value through your eyes .
Reflections of Money and Love Finally , and this is a big one … Love money as a representational vibration of yourself . Money is a representational currency our society uses for the exchange of goods and services . What currency are you vibrating at ? Love is the highest vibrational currency available to us humans . Where is your heart / love with regards to money ? Is it for the greater good of all ? Can you receive without judgement and allow others to receive as well ? If your heart holds fear and resentment around money , then your treasure will also be filled with fear and resentment . When we take the time to practice love in all things , even and especially towards money , we can then celebrate a new age of abundance and collaboration . The sooner we get started , the better !
Resources History of Women and Wealth : www . kbkwealthconnection . com / women-and-money / history-women-wealth
Citizens United vs . Federal Election Commission : supreme . justia . com / cases / federal / us / 558 / 08-205 / opinion . html
Lynne Twist : www . lynnetwist . com
Achieving your personal goals and life ’ s dreams by creating a thriving garden Continued ...
When we hear negativity towards our dreams the most empowering thing you can do is say , “ thank you for your opinion . While I don ’ t agree with it , I do respect it , and I respect both of our freedom of choice to follow our dreams .” And then let it go and continue dreaming and taking steps towards achieving your dreams . If we learn to get ourselves to “ Higher Ground ” then we won ’ t dissolve away in the muck of the stagnant pond , which swallows the dreams of those who sink into the abyss .
As spring arrives , our foundation should already be in place and ready for putting the seeds in the ground . If you ’ re an athlete this could mean signing up for your next race or competition . If you ’ re in sales this could mean calling on your clients or sponsors and inviting them into a conversation around how your products and services can support them . If you ’ re a parent it could mean signing your child up for next year ’ s school year or signing up for summer activities that will keep everyone engaged and outdoors during the summer . If you ’ re a business owner or manager , it could mean calling on investors or setting up interviews for new employees . There are infinite ways to “ plant your seeds ” in the spring , but remember you can ’ t plant your seeds until the ground is ready to accept those seeds .
Now at this point you can wait until everyone else plants their seeds , or you can give yourself an advantage by setting up a greenhouse , grow racks , or by creating a space near south facing windows where you can start various plants weeks ahead of the normal planting time . This is not in reference to being “ first ” or competing against others , it ’ s in reference to finding ways to get a head start in your own life so that you ’ re giving yourself the most amount of time and opportunity for success . There are always ways to give you a head start in life as in gardening . Many of those ways include things like attending a seminar , taking online courses , listening to educational content on your phone or
youtube , reading positive books , infusing your mind with positive messages , creating a dream board , surrounding yourself with people who are successful at what you ’ re trying to achieve , and continuously expanding your educational resources and know-how in the areas that are directly related to your dreams .
Next on the list of achieving your dreams comes maintenance . Just as you must maintain your garden with watering , planting , weeding , mulching , and managing , you must also maintain your dreams and take continuous action towards your goals . The exciting part about this is that if we followed the advice we learned from sustainable models such as permaculture , then the amount of maintenance we have to implement is reduced drastically because we are implementing models of sustainability and self-regeneration . In business this means putting things on auto-pilot and creating evergreen offerings while investing in systems and procedures that reduce the amount of time of repetitive training and repeat actions that could otherwise be automated . In gardening this means planting guilds and support species that bring the pollinators , add mulch , fix nitrogen in the soil , gather and distribute water , and attract the beneficials to help balance pest invasions .
Even following the most sustainable practices in life and in gardening , there ’ s always going to be some level of maintenance . The question is whether maintenance is taking 80 % of your time , or 20 % of your time . With proper planning and preparation , you can reduce your maintenance to 20 %, leaving you more time to continue advancing towards your dreams .
The final step in achieving your dreams is the harvest - reaping what you sow . The harvest is about experiencing the outcome of all your hard work and in many cases taking the harvest to market while investing the results in your future . Harvest time is the culmination of all the planning , preparation , planting , and maintenance along the path towards achieving your dreams . When all of these steps lineup perfectly , your harvest will be one of abundance and joy . When there are gaps
in the process or if the amount of energy invested in the process is minimal , then you will have a minimal harvest . And sometimes what happens is that you simply don ’ t have the experience and hard-earned wisdom you need for a successful harvest and so you lose crops , lose clients , lose investment , and make some mistakes along the way , giving you a poor return .
No matter whether you have an abundant harvest , or a sparse one , the key to achieving ongoing success is to honorably accept the harvest as is , learn what worked , along with what didn ’ t work , and eliminate the things that didn ’ t work while continually implementing and improving upon the things that did work .
If you ’ re strong-willed enough to make it to the harvest , then don ’ t ever give up just because your harvest was weak . You laid tremendous groundwork to get to this point and if you take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes and continue the process of personal growth , your next harvest will most certainly be one of more success .
While others may be sinking in their sorrow and sadness from a poor harvest , we must remember that achieving success in life and in gardening is always about getting to “ Higher Ground .” Getting ourselves to Higher Ground means getting up out of the muck of despair and pity while moving confidently towards our heart ’ s desires . It ’ s not always easy to get back up after life knocks you out , but most certainly it ’ s the only way to experience the harvest you most desire .
For more information and tools on how to get to “ Higher Ground ” visit www . HigherGroundInstitute . com
Yours in abundance , Nathan Crane