By Schelli Whitehouse
Have you ever looked into the reflecting pond of money in your life ? Money is a powerful tool that often has a bad rap . We say we want more of it , yet we often subconsciously push money and abundance away ; blocking the flow of it because of our hidden beliefs . You might be very surprised by what ’ s revealed to you with regards to relationships with family , work and even your healthREFLECTIONS ON THE EVOLVING CONSCIOUSNESS OF MONEY
through your own reflections of money .
Reflections of Money in History Our deep seated societal beliefs about money stem all the way back to our earliest recorded history . Other than the bible ’ s telling of the Good Samaritan there are only a handful of stories about people of wealth reaching out to help someone in need , much less influencing the masses with their wealth for the greater good . When you bring the history of money ( in our society ) into perspective it will help you to understand why many of us behave in such a schizophrenic manner over matters of money .
Until very recent history it was nearly impossible for anyone not born into wealth to achieve much more
than their hereditary station in life would provide . Over the past several thousand years we have been
conditioned to associate monetary wealth with greed , avarice and corruption . This stereotype is portrayed in nearly every movie we ’ ve ever watched . Poor people are good , rich people are evil .
It has only been within the past 250 years where we have experienced an acceleration of individuals creating their own independent wealth outside of inheritance or internal promotion . This is a new wealth stemming from the creative genius of individuals who are open to see a need in their communities and find a way to fill it .
Even more recently for women , where it has only been 177 years since we were granted the right to own property and we
didn ’ t officially enter the workforce until the 1920 ’ s ( less than 100 years ago !) 1 . Today our own unique expression
Competition breeds fear and discontent . When we enter a mindset of competition with regards to money we are exhibiting a belief that there is not enough for all and that someone must do without .
of service is actually honored and sought after . We can celebrate a new order of transparency and collaboration . Well , at least that ’ s the new ideal . Yes , we have made leaps and bounds , and if we are to continue to grow into a more collaborative , socially caring society , we need to pay attention to our everyday behavior and mindset , lest we get complacent and spiral backwards toward an archaic , outdated system of might vs . right .
Reflections of a Competitive Money Mindset “ For the economy is little more than a barometer that registers the highs and lows of consciousness .” – Eric Butterworth , Spiritual Economics
breeds fear and discontent . When we enter a mindset of competition with regards to money we are exhibiting a belief that there is not enough for all and that someone must do without . If your mindset is competition for a finite amount of money in the world then you ’ re in a constant state of judging whether or not you deserve what you have , or whether or not someone else deserves what they have . You may feel that if you have more , someone else must have less . This is a prevalent societal belief that has helped to allow our U . S . Supreme Court system to rule that ‘ Corporations are People ” and that dollars = votes2 . Competition for wealth in the form of land and natural resources has been at the forefront of nearly every major war and invasion since the beginning of time .
Reflections on What You Expect “ People consciously see what they expect , rather than what violates their expectations ” – Anil K . Seth , Editor-in-Chief of Neuroscience of Consciousness
If we want our money system to be different in our life and society we have to do the hard work and re-wire our personal thinking and mindset first . If we continually expect to be treated unfairly with regards to money because ‘ that ’ s the way
it ’ s always been ’, then we will continue to get ever increasing unfair treatment .
We will not fix our economy or our own personal finances with the same thinking , beliefs and actions that got us here in the first place . One of the well-known fathers of modern coaching , Thomas Leonard said , “ How you do one thing is how you do everything .” Therefore one can assume , How you do money is how you do everything .
Some people will totally agree with the first statement and then completely disagree with the second . It ’ s a perfect example of how people have come to compartmentalize money as something separate from their moral and psychic fabric .
The flow of money in your life is directly linked to your thoughts and expectations around money , most of which fall into the four primary mindsets .
Check to see if any of the following statements are true for you :
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You may find aspects of yourself in more than one of these statements . Most of our beliefs and perceptions around money have been handed down to us from family , peers , clergy and the media . We have been told what to believe and how to behave in a way that is not authentic to our own soul ’ s purpose . Of course this applies to many , many more circumstances in our lives , but for now , let ’ s stick with money .
Reflections of Truth about Money " If the doors of perception were cleansed , everything would appear to man as it is : infinite ." -- William Blake
Whatever ‘ eyes ’ you use to perceive the world of money and abundance is the reflection you see in your personal mirror . What you see is your present truth and will remain so until you shift your perspective . Somewhat like looking at those images that contain more than one scene . It may look like a painting of a pastoral setting ( and it is ), however , when you shift your perspective and soften your gaze an entirely new scene appears of dolphins or whales or something completely unrelated to the predominant image .
We have now entered a new place in history with the opportunity to change our relationship with