Wed . April 5 , 6:30 to 8:00 p . m . HEAL FROM WITHIN REIKI OF THE TRIANGLE ( Reiki Share ) FREE -- Curious about Reiki healing ? Are you a Reiki practitioner , but would like to meet other Reiki healers and practice your skills ? Come and bring a friend ! Everyone in the group gives and receives Reiki healing . No special skills or abilities are needed , just a loving heart and a desire to help others . This event is free , though small love offering can be made to help support cost of Meetup fees if desired . RSVP to Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 , or MarciaHebrank @ yahoo . com
Sonic Prana with Pranavam Das - a spiritual musical evening with Lipbone Redding . Sun . 4 / 9 , 6pm
Come learn Shamanic Qi Gong ! Mon . 4 / 17 . A beautiful energy system which works with Earth and Heaven energies to get you in harmony with the Breath of Spirit and your Destiny . Taught by Arthur Freeman www . healcyon . com
Slayer Fest- April 21st and 22nd 6401 Knightdale Eagle Rock Road , Wendell , NC freedomballoonfest . com / 2017-merchant-village . html Please email centerground73 @ gmail . com
2-DAY SHAMANIC INTENSIVE MICHAEL HARNER ' S THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN ®: SHAMANIC JOURNEYING , POWER , AND HEALING . DURHAM , NC . Sat . & Sun . 4 / 22 & 4 / 23 9:30-5:00 The Basic Workshop in Core Shamanism . Sponsored by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies . This exciting training will teach you to do shamanic journey to both lower and upper worlds ,
where you ' ll meet with your Compassionate Helping Spirits and Spirit Teachers , and receive guidance and healing from them . We ' ll also be teaching some beautiful shamanic healing and divination techniques that you can use for yourself and others , and practice with your peers in the training during class . website at www . Shamanism . org for more information on this workshop Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 , or MarciaHebrank @ yahoo . com
One Tribe Fest- May 6th and 7th NC State Fairgrounds , Holshouser Building 1025 Blue Ridge Blvd , Raleigh NC 27607 10-7 Saturday and Sunday 11-6:30 Join us in celebration and amazing energy ! A familyfriendly celebration ! onetribefestnc . com facebook . com / onetribefest
Healing Sounds for the Heart Concert With Daran Wallman , May 12th , 7pm Individual sessions available on Saturday More details at our website calendar www . stanneschapel . com or our FaceBook page " Saint Anne ' s Chapel "
The Medical Scientific Group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends are happy to announce our FREE public Physician-lectures : Raleigh : Unity of the Triangle , 5570 Munford Road , Raleigh NC 27612 Tuesday May 9th . 7 pm . and the follow-up-lecture at : Sunday May 14th . 7 pm . Greensboro : Library , Glenn McNairy Branch , 4860 Lake Jeanette Road , Greensboro NC 27455 Wednesday May 10th . 6.30 pm . and the followup-lecture at : Monday May 15th . 6.30 pm . |
Sun . 6 / 4 9:30 am to 5:00 pm ANGEL CARD READING CERTIFICATION TRAINING Durham , NC Investment : Early Bird Tuition $ 133 ( received by us by 5 / 4 / 17 ); This course will acquaint you with the Archangels and their special functions , teach you how to do an Angel Card reading , acquaint you with the many types of Angel Cards and their specialties , and allow you time to practice doing readings for yourself and other class participants . Marcia ( Moon ) or Jack ( Hawk ) Call Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 or email MarciaHebrank @ yahoo . com Call for more details !
June 7-11 , 2017 Southeastern Spiritual Conference in Greensboro , NC . Workshops and lectures with Gloria Karpinski , Donna Gulick , Laraaji and more . Love , light , healing , fellowship , peace . Room and board are available , day students are welcome too . Complete info : http :// sescfamily . blogspot . com /, Questions : heartofsesc @ gmail . com
June 17 – 18 “ Just relax ! If only it were that simple ,” taught by Master Taoist , Shaman , Taiji teacher Jef Crab , E . A . S . T . Institute , visiting from Suriname . • Investment : $ 279 ( single workshop ); $ 250 each ( if also attending the “ Authenticity ” workshop )• Raleigh area . Contact : Margaret Harrell , 919 / 782-9257 , marharrell @ nc . rr . com
June 20 , 21 , 22 Shamanic Workshop & Healing through Sound taught by Master Taoist , Shaman , Taiji teacher Jef Crab , E . A . S . T . Institute , visiting from Suriname . ( 7 p . m .– 10 ). Investment : $ 60 / session ; $ 150 / all 3 )
In the Raleigh area . Contact : Margaret Harrell , 919 / 782- 9257 , marharrell @ nc . rr . com
June 24 & 25 “ Authenticity & Healing Presence ”, taught by Master Taoist , Shaman , Taiji teacher Jef Crab , E . A . S . T . Institute , visiting from Suriname . • Investment : $ 279 ( single workshop ); $ 250 each ( if also attending the “ Just relax !” workshop )• Raleigh area . Contact : Margaret Harrell , 919 / 782-9257 , marharrell @ nc . rr . com
FREE REIKI SHARE - Durham , NC : Interested in learning more about Reiki healing ? Attend our monthly Lightworkers ’ Reiki Healing Circle , first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p . m ., & experience this beautiful healing energy . Call Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 or email MarciaHebrank @ yahoo . com . Website : www . OneLight . ByRegion . net
ANGEL INTUITIVE HEALING , MEDITATION , SUPPORT , & MESSAGE CIRCLE Durham , NC : Join us the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 6:30 pm at One Light Center in Durham for Angels Among Us Circle of Light . We share guided Angelic meditations , Angel messages and healing , & mutual support for sensitives and Lightworkers . Newcomers are welcome . Call Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 , or email MarciaHebrank @ yahoo . com for details . Website : www . OneLight . ByRegion . net
CORE SHAMANIC DRUMMING / JOURNEY CIRCLE - Durham , NC : 3rd Wednesday of each month . Experience the joy of shamanic journeying & drumming with others . Core Shamanic Journey experience required . Call Moon at ( 919 ) 423-3623 or email MarciaHebrank @ Yahoo . com for details . Website : www . OneLight . ByRegion . net
Healing with Breath and Spirit : Come experience the powerfully healing and transformational power of breath . Every weekend 1-4pm . Raleigh , NC . For more information and specific dates call or email Belen at ( 919 ) 915-8857 or healandshine @ gmail . com Meetup : Healing-with-Breath-and-Spirit
Center Ground will participate in these vending events Slayerfest 2017 , April 21st-22nd , Wendell , NC One Tribe Fest May 6th-7th , Raleigh , NC State Fair Grounds . Laura 919-272-5488
Southeastern Spiritual Conference . June 7-11 , 2017 in Greensboro , NC . Workshops and lectures with Gloria Karpinski , Donna Gulick , Laraaji and more . Love , light , healing , fellowship , peace . Room and board are available , day students are welcome too . Complete info : http :// sescfamily . blogspot . com /, Questions : heartofsesc @ gmail . com
Energy healing | Chakra jewelry | Healing stones Essential oils | Lavender eye pillows | Dream pillows
mycenterground . com