Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 19

On A Spiritual Journey ,

by David Parent

Most people feel there is a destination to reach when on their spiritual journey . You feel growth and that is the equivalent feeling

of “ movement ”. People go for many months , years even decades and at some point they feel like they ’ re hardly moved . Some situation

There Is No Movement

happens where there is a feeling or realization that they feel they ’ ve hardly moved at all . This can turn people away from continuing on their path and it can be upsetting and dishearten .
The truth of this is much easier to live with once you realize that on a spiritual journey there is no movement . The only thing you actually
do is consciously choose to get on that path . But the path doesn ’ t “ move ” anywhere . The main objective is to be completely accepting of where you are and nothing else .
People can tend to think that all of their problems and issues will go away once they get “ there ”. And they work , meditate , join
groups , meditate , make new friends , meditate , change their lifestyle and meditate some more . All of that is great if that ’ s where it takes you . But that ’ s just it ; it doesn ’ t “ take ” you anywhere

" There is nothing to " do " as a spiritual being . There is only being . That can be hard to accept because we are always doing . There is nothing to do . There is nowhere to be . And there is nowhere to move . You just are "

These changes come to you by your choice because you have changed your vibration to match those vibrations . You didn ’ t move one inch and you got all the things you ’ ve suddenly feel you are now worthy of while standing in the same spot . Where you are , physically , emotionally and spiritually , is irrelevant .
What throws people about a spiritual journey most can be the thinking that problems will go away and life will be completely free of them . It can be if that ’ s what you choose and aren ’ t blocking it in any way from happening . But what most people miss is it isn ’ t that your life will be free of problems , it ’ s really about how you respond to what happens . You can either choose to react or respond . If we choose to react , we come from emotion and the unconscious . Memories get replayed . If we choose to respond , we come from objectivity and the conscious . Who we are gets remembered .
Where did the idea for this blog come ? From having a situation that triggered and deep unconscious reaction and being aware enough to look at it objectively while still allowing myself to feel the emotions and choose to change it . It was not pleasant at all but was
it worth it ? Completely . Even as I go through it , I can see that , but I do lose sight of it sometimes . That ’ s when I remember get myself back to who I really am . And all of that , the remembering and forgetting , is all in the spot where I have always been . Everyone is still a spiritual being whether they have problems or not . If everyone remembered this they would no longer judge themselves when they do forget . You ’ re still a spiritual being whether you are loving yourself or cursing out someone else . All of it is spiritual . There is nothing that isn ’ t spiritual . And , surprise , you ’ ve always been in the exact same spot ! You haven ’ t moved an inch ! And yet , look at how much you have grown ! The spot you have always been in changes because you change . The spot is you and only changes when you change . It ’ s as simple as that . It only turns into a rut when you choose for it to be .
In Conversations With God : Book Three , author Neale Donald Walsch asks if we are forever doomed an eternal journey to nowhere . The response was that there was no journey and that you are right now what you are attempting to be . I read that not too soon after writing the majority of this blog . It validates what I ’ ve written here . In this and other books , Walsch questions whether these answers are coming from God or his own conscience . The answer is what does it matter ? Could he think of a better way to live ? What that says to me is not only is there no movement for our journey , but all of the “ movement ” is inside of us . Call it guidance , conscience , higher self , God or whatever you want , it is all within us . All of the growth needed to achieve whatever point we wish to reach . Even beyond it . That point is always changing and moving and so are we .
There is nothing to “ do ” as a spiritual being . There is only being . That can be hard to accept because we are always doing . There is nothing to do . There is nowhere to be . And there is nowhere to move . You just are . All situations ‘ happen ’ to you in your spot just as you ‘ happen ’ in everyone else ’ s spot and since everyone is just a reflection of our self , then it ’ s really our self ‘ happening ’ to our self in the same spot . And if you can feel comfortable with all of that , then you can feel comfortable with the fact that on a spiritual journey , there is no movement .
David Parent is a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner / Facilitator since 2014 and a Sound Healing Practitioner since 2013 . He lives in Durham , NC .
http :// tshealing . com
It ’ s just like time being vertical instead of horizontal . It ’ s all happening now . So why would conscious awareness need movement in order to be ? If time is all now and not now or later , why would spiritual awakening be anywhere other than right where you are ? You just haven ’ t chosen it until that point in time .

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