To me , fear is the opposite of faith and we must let faith override the fear ; faith that we have angelic protection at all times . Some call it , “ Letting go and letting God .” This act in itself requires faith .
By Mary Nell Carson
One of the most profound examples of conquering fear I have ever known is from the book , “ Think and Grow Rich .”
It is a true account set in the early 1900 ’ s of a little girl , the daughter of a sharecropper , who was sent by her Mother to ask the mean-tempered landowner to send her fifty cents .
He was in his mill , grinding wheat , when he saw the little girl standing inside the door . Impatiently , he asked her what she wanted , and she said , “ My mama needs fifty cents .” He told her to leave because he wouldn ’ t do it .
She answered , “ Yes Sir ” and continued standing there . When he noticed she was still there he picked up a barrel stave and started toward her , indicating he would hit her with it , and she answered , “ Yes Sir ” and remained there , fully aware that he might hit her .
As he stepped closer to her , that timid , frightened little girl took one step TOWARD him and yelled , “ MY MAMA GOTTA HAVE THAT FIFTY CENT .”
The landowner was so shocked at her actions , he looked at her for a few seconds and reached into his pocket and gave her fifty cents .
Still holding him in her power , she continued looking at him and backed slowly out the building , never turning her back on him .
The Law of Sacrifice How did this little child of a sharecropper know she needed to look him in the eye to conquer him ?
She knew of no strategies or psychology or human behavior she could use to get that money for her mother . She only knew her mother had to have that money and her determination to get it became a BURNING DESIRE . She was willing to take a beating , ( sacrifice ) if necessary , to reach her goal .
She had a definite plan and knew the exact amount of money she needed to succeed .
She was willing to make the sacrifice of taking a beating , if necessary .
To me , fear is the opposite of faith and we must let faith override the fear ; faith that we have angelic protection at all times . Some call it , “ Letting go and letting God .” This act in itself requires faith .
Was she afraid ? You bet she was . Her act of stepping through her fear won her victory .
For me , this true story has been a lamp unto my feet as I have faced many fearful experiences .
To me , fear is the opposite of faith and we must let faith override the fear ; faith that we have angelic protection at all times . Some call it , “ Letting go and letting God .” This act in itself requires faith .
What Happened Here
The Think and Grow Rich book explains this in a chapter entitled , The Brain .
It explains that under certain circumstances every human brain is capable of “ picking up ” thought impulses which originate in the brains of others . Only highly intensified or “ energized ” thought impulses are transmitted from one brain to another through this mysterious process .
To me , this is what happened when the little girl took a step FORWARD , instead of recoiling in fear to the amazement of the landowner . She was energized in her zeal to get what she was sent to get .
Looking him in the eye as she did so was a natural thing to do during the fear .
It ’ s an inability to look anywhere else except the object of our fear .
This faith in action added strength to her forward step .
That little girl had no knowledge of any theories or tools to conquer another .
Her act of looking him in the eye was an energized plea , but his brain received that energy as her determination to get that fifty cents and he was conquered by her .
Did she “ think and grow rich ?” Yes , she did !
We all have that same power in any adversity . Our success in reaching our goals is determined by having a burning desire and the burning desire embraces any sacrifice we need to make in order to achieve our goal .
The little girl ’ s actions are a lesson in tact as she remained respectful in her “ yes sir ” answers . The lesson is for us to remain assertive when necessary , but not aggressive or disrespectful toward those who have some influence or power over us .
Thank you , little brave girl , whose spirit lives on as a stellar example of