Connections Quarterly Summer 2020 - Dialogues Across Difference | Page 32

DI ALOG UE: A PLAN FO R THE 2 0 2 0 ELEC T I O N Continued from page 29 “ If you are going to develop a plan to help your school successfully navigate the Election, it is important to give people opportu- nities to understand the broader context. ” #1. Partisanship surpasses all other differences. In December 2019 Pew Research Center released a report that took a deeper look into Partisanship. The study concluded that, “Partisanship continues to be the dividing line in the American public’s political attitudes, far surpassing differ- ences by age, race and ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, religious affili- ation or other factors.” Researchers also concluded that each party is experienc- ing deep ideological differences and in- ternal divides on key issues. 5 #2. Republicans and Democrats dif- fer on the top three most important issues facing our nation. In October 2019 Public Religion Research Institute’s report Fractured Nation explored the widening partisan gap and key election issues. Their latest polls show that the top three issues for Republicans are Ter- rorism, Immigration, and Crime. The top three issues for Democrats are Health Care, Climate Change, and Foreign Inter- ference with elections. 6 #3. There is a perception gap be- tween Democrats and Republicans. In the 2019 Perception Gap report, More in Common’s survey concludes that “Ameri- cans have deeply distorted views of one another. Republicans and Democrats imagine that 55% hold extreme views— where the reality is much different. Only 30% hold extreme views.” The report also concludes that media is one factor ‘fan- ning the flames of misperception.’ 7 #4. A small percentage of American adults is driving most of the political conversation on Twitter. Twitter plays an important role in how politicians, me- dia outlets, and advocacy organizations 5. “In a Politically Polarized Era, Sharp Divides in Both Partisan Coalitions.” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 31 Dec. 2019, tions/. 6. “Fractured Nation: Widening Partisan Polarization and Key Issues in 2020 Presidential Elections.” PRRI, research/fractured-nation-widening-partisan-polarization-and-key-issues-in-2020-presidential-elections/. 7. “The Perception Gap.” The Perception Gap, Page 30 Summer 2020 CSEE Connections