D I ALO G UE: A P L A N FO R THE 2 0 2 0 E L E C TI O N
Create opportunities for key stake-
holders to learn the skills of dialogue.
Identify a small group of people who can
learn dialogue basics and offer trainings
to the rest of the community. Trainings
can take place during
When creating plans for the Election, be
intentional about integrating civil dia-
logue training and creating space for is-
sues to be discussed. I offer some ideas
to consider.
Have a plan for Election 2020
Opening faculty meetings
Student orientation
Student Advisory or Homeroom
Student government or club presi-
dents orientation/training
5. PTA meetings
Create a leadership team that repre-
sents key stakeholders: administra-
tors, teachers, students, staff, and
parents to discuss the best way to edu-
cate the community on election issues
and create spaces for dialogue. The
Election will impact everyone. Getting
input from key stakeholders is important
in building a comprehensive plan—even
if you plan to hold one event. Tension
is often created when stakeholders feel
their voice is not valued. People will feel
confident knowing that leaders in the
community are gathering feedback from
key stakeholders in order to develop a
comprehensive plan.
Create opportunities for stakehold-
ers to understand the issues and the
broader context BEFORE the Election.
As the country becomes more polarized,
political scientists, social scientists, psy-
chologists, neurologists, and researchers
are trying to figure out how we got here.
Much more research has to be done. The
following pages share headlines from
recent research that can help us under-
stand the broader context. This list is far
from comprehensive. Each report is ex-
tensive and I encourage you and your
leadership teams to continue your own
research. If you are going to develop a
plan to help your school successfully
navigate the Election, it is important to
give people opportunities to understand
the broader context. Lives are busy and
most people won’t do this research on
their own.
Identify a small group
of people who can learn
dialogue basics and offer
trainings to the rest of
the community.
CSEE Connections
Continues on page 30
Summer 2020 Page 29