One week with...
Google Home
How good is the new Google Home?
Technical Advisor and smart home
enthusiast Daniel Richardson found out.
Connecting was really
simple. After unpacking
and setting up, I quickly
connected it to my phone
and started casting videos
from Netflix and YouTube
to my TV.”
A lot of
the features
are still only
available in the
US, and there are
only two music
services you can
use, Google Music
and Spotify, which
is a little
A couple of friends came
round to visit and they
were talking about Lady Gaga’s
new song. I hadn’t heard it,
so I asked Google Home:
‘Hey Google, play Lady Gaga’s
new song,’ and we listened
to it on my Media Centre.”
When it’s time for
bed I say: ‘Hey Google,
goodnight,’ and Google Home
turns off all my lights and
wishes me pleasant
dreams. Then it
makes sure I’m
up at 6am
for work!”
The voice-controlled
commands are really
impressive. I’m a big fan of the
TV show Sense8, so when I
want to watch an episode I say:
‘Hey Google, play Sense8 from
Netflix,’ and it continues from
where I left off in the series.”
I’m very particular when
it comes to cooking. If the
recipe tells me something needs
to be in the oven for 11 minutes,
I make sure it’s exactly 11 minutes.
Instead of getting my phone
sticky by using a stopwatch, I say:
‘Hey Google, set a timer
for 11 minutes.’ It’s great!”
Have you
got any ideas for
One Week With…
or would you
like to take part?
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Just search for ‘Connected’.
June 2017 | CONNECTED