Connect Magazine Culture Issue | Page 3

A recent study by Gallup found that businesses with greater percentages of engaged employees significantly outperformed their competition—with earnings per share that were 147% higher. In order for a company’s culture to be considered beneficial, it needs to succeed at prioritizing the value of relationships between employees, across functions and management levels—as well as inspiring creativity and achievement. To get to that stage, employees need to embrace the culture and perform at high levels. Yet, in order for employees to believe in and live out the attributes that a company publicly stands for, leadership needs to model and embody the company’s stated culture first. Employees naturally look to their leaders for direction and modeling. Expect them to collectively study how management operates and to follow their lead. Once they recognize an emphasis on culture at the highest levels, employees will then feel affirmed and encouraged to embody that culture. Most companies were birthed from the creativity and character of an individual or team. Over time, their original work culture becomes the legacy that the company is charged with maintaining. Should they succeed at continuing to nurture and embody it, the company and its brand(s) are more likely to continue to thrive. Proving Culture by What You Do It will be readily apparent to alert stakeholders—from employees at all levels to trusted vendors and loyal customers—whether a company’s decisions and actions reflect the virtues set out in its culture statement. How can leaders directly create a positive and productive work culture that lines up to the brand promise? ÎÎ Meet with employees from all ÎÎ Invite helpful feedback and levels through town hall meetings. suggestions. ÎÎ Speak clearly in ordinary terms. ÎÎ Show compassion and interest in all roles. ÎÎ Modernize incentive programs. ÎÎ Invest in creative and inclusive off-site retreats to refresh a new three-year strategic plan. ÎÎ Reward loyalty, innovation, and creative problem solving. ÎÎ Supply the office with modern equipment that improves quality of life. ÎÎ Use office decor to convey the orga- nization’s culture, or to reflect what makes the organization unique. ÎÎ Paint the break rooms in trendy colors. ÎÎ Publicly recognize employees who model the company culture in exceptional ways. Regardless of what you choose to do, constructive culture is more believable when it’s relevant to the outside world. Leaders who regularly evaluate their established company culture against culture shifts in society will score extra credibility points with all. Talk with your relationship manager or Client Services about investing to build upon your growing culture. Sterling National Bank can help. Proclaiming a New Culture > Culture is a leading indicator of employee satisfaction so it needs to be treated as an investment in the success of the business. And it should have an official creed to explain it. Culture shifts change how workers think and operate. The bold statement or manifesto you create will become the black and white benchmark for employees to work by. It also will determine how your brand comes to life in your organization. So is it time to craft a new one? Evaluate your manifesto with input from across functions. Pull keywords from your mission statement and ask a diverse team of employees how they fulfill those. If words like innovation, agility, transparency or compassion are used, assess their presence and role within your company. Culture partially defines a brand, but it also attracts and retains talent while greatly affecting employee commitment levels. When deeply entrenched in a company, the culture manifesto actually becomes a filter for pivotal decisions—regarding everything from choosing supply chain vendors to establishing hiring processes. When employees have embraced your company’s desired culture, you will hear the manifesto repeated often and see it lived out continuously. As the summary of a company’s core DNA, an accurate manifesto should adapt to market changes. Plan on tweaking a manifesto’s language over time in order that it remains relevant to all of its stakeholders. CONNECT CULTURE WINTER 2016 // SNB.COM | 3