Connect Magazine Culture Issue | Page 2

Q&A: An Extraordinary Cultural Journey As a company commited to consistently delivering extraordinary customer service, Sterling National Bank develops new Execute Extraordinary program. Q: Why was Sterling National Bank’s Execute Extraordinary program created? Q: What are the building blocks of the Execute Extraordinary initiative? This is a performance-oriented program designed to ensure that the organization continues to meet the needs of all of our stakeholders. Sterling continues to experience rapid growth and an expansion of capabilities. In order to continue to fuel that growth, to meet or exceed our clients expectations, and to always provide the best products and solutions, it is vital that we continue to deliver exceptionally high quality in all that we do. We do this by systematically defining and measuring quality, setting a high bar as to what excellence is, and inspiring top performance. Fundamentally, Execute Extraordinary is a commitment to perform extraordinarily with every client, every day, and at every opportunity. If we are going to continue to be a high-performing bank—one that delivers an exceptional client experience—it’s of the utmost importance that we understand our clients’ needs and wants. Thus, the first component is Client Focus. At the core of this is really listening to and learning about our clients. We are now in the execution stage of research to understand the voice of the client. Beyond that, we’re also going to be working closely with our clients by participating in shadow programs in order to get a greater sense of how we can improve their banking experience. The second component is our Culture. At the core of Execute Extraordinary are the colleagues of Sterling, the values that guide them, and the competencies that enable them to deliver quality products and services. We are focused on continually developing, recognizing, and rewarding the attributes that drive our culture. We also focus our efforts on the attributes we want our clients to associate with Sterling: products and services that are simple, intelligent, sophisticated, and trustworthy. The third component is Business Process Optimization, or BPO. Using a world-class BPO methodology, we follow a systematic quantitative approach to continuously improving and managing the many business processes that define our business operations. We train our colleagues to look at these processes though a critical lens— to analyze and improve them—so we can deliver a consistent high-quality of service. Q: How do you ask your employees to Execute Extraordinary on a consistent basis? First of all, we make it clear that this is not a program with a beginning and an end. It is an ongoing journey—one that will define Sterling’s way of thinking, acting, and working now and into the future. We have a talented and dedicated team at Sterling. They’ve embraced the importance of our brand promise— Expect Extraordinary—and they’re committed to delivering on it. So really, the program is a means to that end. It provides resources and removes barriers to empower our colleagues to improve processes and create efficiencies. To get them thinking, we challenged everyone in the organization to ask: What am I doing? How am I doing it? And, what value does this bring to the client? By getting colleagues to evaluate their daily processes, we improve efficiencies, reduce risk, eliminate errors, and boost quality, each of which allows us to deliver a better overall client experience. 2 | SNB.COM // CONNECT CULTURE WINTER 2016 Q: What are some of the initiatives you have launched to illustrate your culture of excellence? Our initiatives range in focus and complexity, but together they are driving growth for the company and have given our colleagues a fresh perspective and have inspired enthusiasm and excitement. We began with an enterprise-wide campaign to introduce Chief Operating Officer the Execute Sterling National Bank Extraordinary program. From this introduction we have kept momentum going by continually sharing success stories of employees and departments that are demonstrating Execute Extraordinary. Examples range from delighting clients by going above and beyond their expectations, to innovative new approaches, to outstanding process execution. We’ve also conducted bank-wide training of all colleagues on the principles and techniques of Lean Six Sigma, our chosen BPO methodology. We recently rolled out the Sterling Standards of Service, which is a comprehensive set of professional expectations in delivering exceptional service so that all colleagues have the same clear and measurable standards by which we operate. We’ve also recently launched the Idea Lab, an idea generation platform. What makes this program interesting is that it not only captures new innovative ideas, but it also leverages contemporary practices in collaboration across the organization to collectively solve problems and build new ideas though an online community. Finally, we updated our recognition programs to provide colleagues and managers with tools to recognize individuals demonstrating the principles of Execute Extraordinary. An example of one such form of recognition is the Execute Extraordinary