Recommended modes Examples of the modes included in the TAC recommendations are detailed below .
Demand-Response Rideshare
Demand-Response Rideshare has the ability to address mobility needs through a dynamic micro-transportation system with an infinite number of on-demand stops . This type of service is a technology-based solution that is a flexible , efficient and cost-effective option for riders traveling for work , pleasure or day-to-day needs . Users can reserve a seat , pay for their trip and track their ride through a smartphone application , although dial-in and web-based options are also available .
An example of a rideshare vehicle .
Demand-Response Rideshare riders can book a ride through a smartphone application .
Bus Rapid Transit or High-Intensity Bus
Bus Rapid Transit and High-Intensity Bus are both high-quality , rubber-tired transportation options that are designed to deliver fast , reliable and comfortable service . They typically run in their own dedicated lane and can be given traffic signal priority to improve speed of service . The systems also allow for off-board fare payment , platform- level boarding and are able to carry a high volume of passengers . They often provide amenities such as free Wi-Fi , high-backed seats and charging stations . Bus Rapid Transit is a localized service , while High-Intensity Bus typically runs longer distances between cities in a managed highway lane .
The Fort Worth Transportation Authority operates a BRT line named the “ Spur ” in Fort Worth .
An example of a BRT station where passengers can purchases tickets before boarding the vehicle .