Mode options
From the beginning of the process , the TAC worked to identify the various categories of users who should be served by a transportation system in Arlington . Committee members agreed that the following groups should be served through one or more of the suggested modes described in this report .
»» Employment-Based Commuters
»» Senior Citizens
»» Students
»» Healthcare Access
»» Individuals with Lower Incomes
»» Individuals with Disabilities
»» Tourists
»» Special Event Attendees
»» Regional Commuters
»» Local Shoppers and Diners
Travelers to and from the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Throughout the process , the Committee received information on transportation services currently available in the City as well as new opportunities they may want to consider . Existing services discussed included Handitran , the Metro ArlingtonXpress ( MAX ), Mission Arlington transportation services , Ride2Work , the Trinity Railway Express ( TRE ), the University of Texas at Arlington shuttle , and the Entertainment District Trolley . While the TAC ’ s recommendations do not directly speak to existing services , the Committee did discuss how some of these services may evolve based on the City Council ’ s implementation of the TAC recommendations .
New transportation modes considered by the Committee throughout the process included not less than 16 modes . As the Committee analyzed options throughout the process , mode choices were narrowed down . The recommended modes included in this report were considered the best fit for the needs of the City .
The Committee identified populations to be served , key destinations that require service – designated as major and minor hubs , and six priority corridors to fully serve the transportation needs of the City . The TAC then identified those modes which would best connect citizens to and from destination points within the six corridors .