POSTER SESSION Thursday , 4:45pm-5:15pm
Hosted by : Jonathan Jones Location : Crowne Plaza – Yellowstone – Lobby Level
This session features 3 scholars representing a vibrant cross-section of artistic pedagogies , praxis , and scholarship .
Feminism in Educational Musical Theatre Presenter : Lauren Neuwirth
This is a presentation of content analysis of popular musicals in United States High School Theatre . The purpose of this study is to explore modern trends in feminism in musical theatre and how female characters are treated by creators in this field . This study examines the ten most produced full-length musicals for the 2021- 2022 school year for their inclusion of feminist themes and concepts . Data was collected through a series of questions inspired by The Bechdel Test . This study is intended to examine the discrepancy between the number of female students participating in school theatre programs , and the number of opportunities for female actors in the musicals produced by these programs . Not much official research is recorded regarding the number of women actors in theatre programs ( school , college , or professional ), but among the industry it is commonly acknowledged that the number of women interested in theatre arts outnumber men . Results reflect a deficiency of opportunities for women actors to be featured in modern mainstream musicals . The female characters are found to generally have less depth and fewer lines than the male characters . These findings reflect a need for more accurate representation of women in the world of musical theatre .
Theatre as Transcendent Learning for Adolescents Presenter : Xan Johnson
Current Brain Research suggests " transcendent thinking " predicts young adult psychosocial outcomes via brain network development ." " Transcendent thinking " is defined as " an educational experience that goes beyond traditional parameters of interaction and results in turning-point experiences for participants ." My poster will suggest how drama and theatre might support , accelerate , and develop transcendent thinking in adolescents .
212 Connect : ISD S . T . E . A . M . Program Presenter : Courtney Carter Harbour
In the 212 Connect : ISD S . T . E . A . M Program session , participants will actively experience one of the eight project-based learning lessons from Broadway Dallas and Dallas ISD ' s fall 2022 program that had a show tiein to the hit musical , Ain ' t Too Proud : The Life and Times of the Temptations . Upon conclusion of the session , participants should be able to understand how the annual S . T . E . A . M program has been implemented for Dallas ISD high school Theater and Dance students , the arts career connections made through the students ' participation in the program , and how to connect with Broadway Dallas and / or Broadway Across America to explore a similar type of program that could be implemented at their campus , ISD , or individual classrooms .
Updated 7.26.23