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EventsAir details why hybrid events are creating inclusive spaces for people that are sustainably focused for the planet he world of events has changed forever since 2019 . It ’ s difficult to imagine that just four short years ago , the terms hybrid event and virtual attendees didn ’ t really exist – now , they seem to hold the key to the very future of event management .
Much has been written and said about the future of events , particularly in this crucial period as we emerge from the strangeness of Covid-19 and settle into the new normal . At EventsAir , some of the most common questions we hear from our customers are related to the event formats that have emerged since 2020 .
The evidence suggests strongly that the new formats are here to stay . In 2022 , the global virtual events market was valued at US $ 199bn , and Market . US research estimates that it will reach an eye watering $ 1.066tn by 2032 .
This means that most professional event organisers are on an undeniably steep learning curve . However , rather than fighting the hybrid wave , we believe the most successful event planners are going to be the ones who remain focused on the benefits of these new formats - rather than being distracted by the challenges of change .
In short , hybrid and virtual events are better for people and they are better for the planet . Here ’ s why :
Hybrid and virtual are better for people At the end of the day , most events need to deliver on two things : content ; as well as networking and engagement opportunities . The delivery of those two elements should be a secondary consideration .
This is why we believe events are no longer hybrid or in-person . They just are . Events have remote and live attendees – it ’ s simply a mode of content consumption and a method to expand audience reach .
Most of us in the events industry will agree that the people involved in the event – attendees , sponsors and exhibitors , and even those who are delivering it – should drive the experience and the format – not the other way around . The overwhelming characteristic of post-Covid-19 life is that people want autonomy , in all areas of their lives . That also extends to events .
Hybrid events are also far more accessible , which opens them up to more people , more often . Virtual attendees can join from anywhere with an internet connection , expanding the event ’ s reach to a global audience and eliminating the need for , and expense of , extensive travel .
They are also incredibly suitable for anyone with a busy schedule , whether that ’ s related to work or family , because they offer greater flexibility . Attendees can watch sessions and engage in with the programme based on their schedule and availability . If you offer an ‘ on demand ’ option for the content after the event , that ’ s even better .
Overall , hybrid events are far more inclusive , because they offer www . conference-news . co . uk