Conference Dailys TRADETech FX Daily 2018 Wrap-up | Page 7

THETRADETECHFX DA I LY latest news REGULATION Goldman Sachs, Liquidnet and Bloomberg called out in first MiFID II data indicators from ESMA FIRST DATA COMPLETENESS INDICATORS FOR DOUBLE VOLUME CAPS FROM ESMA REVEAL GOLDMAN SACHS, LIQUIDNET AND BLOOMBERG HAD HIGHEST AMOUNT OF INCOMPLETE DATA SUBMISSIONS. T he EU markets watchdog has published its first MiFID II data performance indicators, with Goldman Sachs, Liquidnet and Bloomberg among those firms called out for a high number of incomplete data submissions. For data submitted for the double volume caps (DVCs) under MiFID II, Goldman Sachs’ Sig- ma X multilateral trading facility (MTF) auction book had 11 incomplete ISINs for liquid shares, the highest number of all trading venues scru- tinised, followed by ICAP’s MTF for cash equity, which had eight incomplete ISINs. The completeness indicators report for DVCs from the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) also revealed that Euronext Block MTF and London Stock Exchange MTF both had the third-highest, with six incomplete ISINs for liquid shares. For DVC data for other equity instruments, including non-liquid shares and non-shares, ESMA’s report showed that Liquidnet had the most incomplete ISINs with 823 and the high- est completeness shortfall of 35%. Bloomberg Trading Facility Limited’s MTF had the sec- ond-highest number of incomplete ISINs with 659 and a completeness shortfall of 27%. Tradeweb followed in third place for other equity instruments, with a significantly lower number of incomplete ISINs compared to Liq- uidnet and Bloomberg Trading Facility Limited of 160 and a completeness shortfall of 6%. The data indicators on DVCs was published on 8 October, observing submissions from April last year to August this year. A similar performance report for data submitted for bond liquidity as- sessments under MiFID II is due to be published on 1 November. ESMA announced plans to increase its scrutiny of data submitted by European trading venues last month in a bid to force venues to improve their provision of timely and complete data to the regulator. “ESMA is committed to ensuring data com- pleteness to facilitate the consistent application of the DVC and bond market liquidity rules across the EU. Moreover, we need to ensure a level playing field between trading venues,” said Steven Maijoor, chair of ESMA, upon announcing the data performance indicators. “These goals can only be accomplished if the relevant data from trading venues is consistently complete and correct.” The data performance reports will be pub- lished monthly for DVCs and quarterly for bond liquidity, ESMA added. EUROPE Block trading in Europe sees €8.1billion value traded record VALUE TRADED OF BLOCK TRADING IN EUROPE SAW RECORD HIGHS LAST WEEK, LED BY LIQUIDNET, ITG POSIT, CBOE LIS AND TURQUOISE PLATO. E urope saw a record amount of block trading activity last week as restrictions on dark pool trading under MiFID II continue to drive large-in- scale (LIS) trading. Statistics from Fidessa show that for the week ending 12 October a new record was set for value traded in blocks on all venues in Europe of €8.1 billion, beating the previous record set in May of €7.3 billion. A record number of 7,063 block trades were also executed across all venues last week, with Liquidnet seeing the highest amount of block trades, closely followed by the ITG POSIT and Turquoise Plato platforms. Liquidnet currently holds the highest block venue market share of 30.4%, again followed by ITG POST which has 26.8% market share and then Cboe LIS with 19.5%, the statistics also showed. Following the introduction of MiFID II’s double volume caps (DVCs), which limits transactions that can be executed under waivers at 4% at a trading venue level and 8% for all EU trading venues, the number of orders executed above the LIS threshold has grown significantly. LIS trading under MiFID II also benefits from waivers enabling participants to negotiate trades without pre-trade transparency. Ahead of the implementation of MiFID II, major Euro- pean exchange operators such as Cboe Global Markets, the London Stock Exchange Group and Euronext, launched block trading platforms to meet the demand for LIS services. Commenting on the new record, Rob Board- man, European CEO of ITG, said: “Last week’s global equity sell-off simply represents the latest in a long line of major geopolitical events to drive block trading volumes. The truth is that the electronic block market in equities has been growing for a while. This record simply represents a peak on a growing trend. “From trade tariff disputes to rising interest rates, the drivers of these high volumes are wide ranging. With no shortage of opportunities in electronic block pools, it is key that asset managers continue to trade quickly, in size, without price impact.” Periodic auctions have also emerged out of the regulation as a popular venue for traders looking to avoid the DVCs, with volumes surging across auction systems in Europe following the introduction of MiFID II. Despite the share of trading on periodic auc- tions being relatively low, the European financial regulator is expected to announce plans to tighten rules amid concerns the venue is being used to circumvent certain requirements. The official newspaper of TradeTech FX Europe 2018 7